NTG's New Interns!
No @ajstringham you are far from the youngest now!
He never was. Mike always held that.
I hold the "youngest in IT" title. Mike holds the youngest in NTG title. Originally held by Andy at 20.
@scottalanmiller said:
I hold the "youngest in IT" title. Mike holds the youngest in NTG title. Originally held by Andy at 22.
I Vote for this
I got the age wrong, Andy was 20 when he started NTG.
Welcome, new minions!
Welcome aboard!
@scottalanmiller said:
@Terra remind me to track down a link to CLion for you tomorrow.
Here it is. Download the EAP and check it out. Best IDEs in the business.
@Eric-Stoudt if you have a specific hardware question i have a whole warehouse of equipment I can put hands on to answer a unique problem if I have time.
@MattKing Thanks, ill make sure to ask if anything comes up.
Thanks everyone for the welcome. Very nice community you all have here
Hopefully we can get you started on some projects very soon!
Thank you guys for all the welcomes. It'll be a pleasure working with you. @scottalanmiller , thanks for shooting me a link.
No problem. JetBrains makes awesome developer tools.
@scottalanmiller said:
Hopefully we can get you started on some projects very soon!
I'm getting them all ready to do MaaS setup, and we're getting that OpenSuse 13.1 server setup now, so they're already in on the project for the lab
Ah ha, no wonder everyone is posting so late at night
That's awesome. The lab is underway!!
@scottalanmiller said:
Ah ha, no wonder everyone is posting so late at night
That's awesome. The lab is underway!!
Awesome ML would be very busy tonight
It is quite busy for a Friday night. And it wasn't all that busy during the day today either.
fresh blood! Have they had the PSX hazing yet?