Windows Task Scheduler not running my task. Cron for Windows?
I read Z-Cron was an option. Anyone use it or have a another preference?
Never seen it. I like Cron as a mechanism on UNIX, it's always been solid. But I can't say that I've ever had Task Scheduler not work. Seems like attacking issues on TS would make more sense, but getting cron would be nice.
@JasGot said "Windows Task Scheduler not running my task"
Why isn't the task scheduler running your task?
@Pete-S said in Windows Task Scheduler not running my task. Cron for Windows?:
Why isn't the task scheduler running your task?
Don't know.
Just can get it to run.
I trying to run a .cmd script
Everything is set right. I use task scheduler everyday on client servers. Can't get this one to run.
This is my cmd script.
c: cd \rclone rclone sync "E:\Shares\Photos and Graphics\Sync2Cloud" remote:bucket echo Completed at %time% %date%>>log.txt
Going to reboot to see if it helps.
Out put of: schtasks /query /v /fo LIST /s SERVER
HostName: server TaskName: \RClone to Bucket Next Run Time: 12/11/2020 9:10:00 PM Status: Ready Logon Mode: Interactive/Background Last Run Time: 12/11/2020 9:06:19 PM Last Result: 0 Author: domain\administrator Task To Run: cmd /c sync2cloud.cmd Start In: c:\rclone Comment: N/A Scheduled Task State: Enabled Idle Time: Disabled Power Management: Stop On Battery Mode Run As User: domain\administrator Delete Task If Not Rescheduled: Disabled Stop Task If Runs X Hours and X Mins: 72:00:00 Schedule: Scheduling data is not available in this format. Schedule Type: Daily Start Time: 7:00:00 PM Start Date: 12/11/2020 End Date: N/A Days: Every 1 day(s) Months: N/A Repeat: Every: 0 Hour(s), 5 Minute(s) Repeat: Until: Time: None Repeat: Until: Duration: Disabled Repeat: Stop If Still Running: Disabled
Changed the trigger it is working now. Never seen this before. Changed from time based trigger to "System Startup"
HostName: SERVER TaskName: \RClone to Bucket Next Run Time: N/A Status: Ready Logon Mode: Interactive/Background Last Run Time: 12/11/2020 9:54:48 PM Last Result: 0 Author: domin\administrator Task To Run: cmd /c c:\rclone\sync2cloud.cmd Start In: c:\rclone Comment: N/A Scheduled Task State: Enabled Idle Time: Disabled Power Management: Stop On Battery Mode Run As User: domain\administrator Delete Task If Not Rescheduled: Disabled Stop Task If Runs X Hours and X Mins: 72:00:00 Schedule: Scheduling data is not available in this format. Schedule Type: At system start up Start Time: N/A Start Date: N/A End Date: N/A Days: N/A Months: N/A Repeat: Every: N/A Repeat: Until: Time: N/A Repeat: Until: Duration: N/A Repeat: Stop If Still Running: N/A
Your settings confuse me a little.
When you have "interactive" don't you have to be logged in for the task to run?When I've had problems with tasks not running it's always been something with the environment the task runs in. Like being the wrong user, not having a search path to the commands I'm trying to execute, not having the right environment variables etc. Especially so when you run the task under another user compared to what you are logged in as.
From what I remember I usually set up tasks to run as the local SYSTEM account. And if I need networks drives, for instance copying files to another server, I map them with net use and then destroy them in the script. That is not applicable in your case but it's just one example of preparing the environment the task has to execute in.
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@Pete-S said in Windows Task Scheduler not running my task. Cron for Windows?:
When you have "interactive" don't you have to be logged in for the task to run?
No, the only two options for Mode are "Interactive Only" and "Interactive/Background" the slash mean Or in this case.