Quesiton on Server 2012 Datacenter
Shold I install Datacenter on the iron or Hyper-V Server?
The way it reads to me is that I need to have Datacenter installed on the base hardware to get the VM guest rights. Is the right or wrong? Is it better one way or the other? -
@JaredBusch Direct from the horse mouth was you always get the Guest rights, which for Datacenter is unlimited I believe. The difference is if you run datacenter as your POSE and then run the VOSE in it they will auto activate and manage licensing for you. if you run it in ESX or Hyper-v you'll have to manage and activate yourself.
Well installing datacenter on the base then. This is initially a test/lab/temp transfer point for existing VM stuff. I won't mind redoing it all later.
I dont think it matters what the base OS is. Rememeber that VMWare environments can also take advantage of DataCenter's unlimited VM licensing. Datacenter would make the most sense because you wouldn't have to use another license for the base OS
VM rights come with any hypervisor. HyperV is not requires.
@IRJ VMware, XenServer and KVM don't require extra licenses either. No benefits to HyperV.