Issues Installing Snipe-IT on CentOS 7
@black3dynamite I have done that like 12 times now ;-/
Fresh VM, same issue.
Maybe I am not setting the proxy correct?
The commands I am using are:
export http_proxy=http://192.168.10.X:8080/ export https_proxy=https://192.168.10.X:8080/
@dustinb3403 script is running much slower now... maybe it's doing something this time....
Everything is working besides git.....
* Cloning Snipe-IT from github to the web directory. Cloning into '/var/www/html/snipeit'... fatal: unable to access '': Failed connect to; Connection refused
This is where it fails
My guess is that git isn't processing the traffic thought the proxy.
What port(s) is git using?
@aaronstuder said in Issues Installting Snipe-IT on CentOS 7:
What port(s) is git using?
That's an odd question isn't it? Anyway you can just allow this device to not use the proxy and be done with it?
@dustinb3403 I wish...
@aaronstuder said in Issues Installting Snipe-IT on CentOS 7:
What port(s) is git using?
unable to access '': Failed connect to;
@aaronstuder said in Issues Installting Snipe-IT on CentOS 7:
@dustinb3403 I wish...
OK build a VM at your house outside of this network and bring it into the network as a vhdx or whatever hypervisor you're using.
Pull a new ip once booted and be done with it.
@romo duh. Thanks.
@dustinb3403 Honestly thought about that... What about updates?
@aaronstuder said in Issues Installting Snipe-IT on CentOS 7:
@dustinb3403 Honestly thought about that... What about updates?
Well that'll be the rub, you won't have any.
Alternatively you know that they have a hosted solution for $399 a year.
Which isn't much at all.
If I run it manually, it works perfectly o_0
[root@snipeit tmp]# git clone Cloning into 'snipe-it'... remote: Counting objects: 66304, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done. remote: Total 66304 (delta 4), reused 11 (delta 3), pack-reused 66284 Receiving objects: 100% (66304/66304), 62.36 MiB | 2.81 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (41755/41755), done. [root@snipeit tmp]#
@aaronstuder said in Issues Installting Snipe-IT on CentOS 7:
If I run it manually, it works perfectly o_0
So install it manually rather than using the script (I know for a fact someone said to do this up above)
I ran git first manually than the script ran, except:
* Installing and running composer. curl: (7) Failed to connect to 2001:41d0:a:7b19::2: Network is unreachable
And I seem to be missing 2 packages? php71u and php71u-simplexml
I was able to get access without the proxy, and everything seems to be working now.....