Disable a User on O365 with PowerShell
This script disables the users account by:
- Asking a couple of questions
- Changing the user's password
- Forwards their emails to their supervisor
- Pulls their license which destroys their email account
- Sends an email to HR and IT informing them that the account has been disabled
#(Module 2.02) Import-Module activedirectory Import-Module MSOnline $un = Read-Host "Who are we disabling today? (Login Credentials)" #(Module 2.03) $man = Read-Host "Who are we forwarding mail to? (Login Credentials)" #(Module 2.04) $auth = Read-Host "Who are you? (Login Credentials)" #(Module 2.05) #Resets the old user's password (Module 2.06) Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $un -Reset -NewPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "Account Password") #Connects to the Exchange box, forwards the users email account to their supervisor/manager, then disconnects from the Exchange box $mail = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Authentication Basic -Credential $cred -AllowRedirection #(Module 2.07-Part 1) Import-PSSession $mail -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null #(Module 2.07-Part 2) Set-Mailbox $un -ForwardingAddress $man -RemovePicture #Sets the forwarding address to the manager and removes their picture (Module 2.08) Remove-PSSession -Session $mail #Disconnects from the Exchange box (Module 2.09) #Removes License in O365 Connect-MsolService #(Module 2.10) Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName (-join($un,'@<MyDomain>.com')) -RemoveLicenses #(Module 2.11) $dt = get-date #Gets Date & Time (Module 2.12) $authn = Get-ADUser $auth -Properties DisplayName | select -ExpandProperty DisplayName #Gets the administrators name $unn = Get-ADUser $un -Properties DisplayName | select -ExpandProperty DisplayName #Gets the disabled users name $mann = Get-ADUser $man -Properties DisplayName | select -ExpandProperty DisplayName #Gets the managers name $report = "Human Resources, The user account for $unn ($un) has been disabled from the company network as of $dt. All email messages will be forwarded to $mann ($man) for now on. Regards, $authn ($auth)" #(Module 2.13) Send-MailMessage -To HR@<MyDomain>.com, IT@<MyDomain>.com -Subject "Disconnected User Report" -Body $report -From IT@<MyDomain>.com -SmtpServer <YourExchangeURI> #(Module 2.14)
A part of the NerdyDad's PowerShell Scripts Series