Telnet into Ricoh, Issue with SMB command
I am telnetting into a Ricoh all in one to change the SMB client port to 445. Thats what support is telling us to do to fix an auth issue when scanning to a network share. When I run smb at the Ricoh shell prompt I get 'syntax error'. The other commands work fine. I can see smb is a valid command. Its an MP 3351. Rebooted the 3351. Any ideas?
Is there a help system to get assistance of that command? Like one of these...
smb -h
man smb
Syntax error is because you didn't give it any prameters.
They should have told you what to put in, but just in case, the commands should be:
smb client port445
smb client auth.1Sets to SMBv2 and forces authentication.