So, I think there's up-voting here?
@Dominica Yes, that's it.
Indeed it is. Both "like" and "dislike" here.
Very nice! Could we replace the arrows with a mango and a rotten mango? They'd have to make the buttons bigger though.
I think a mango and a pepper. +mango -pepper
@Dominica Looks like it.
@Hubtech said:
I think a mango and a pepper. +mango -pepper
Funny story: So Ohioans are weird. To illustrate this, when Scott and I were first married, his grandparents were visiting and his grandfather kept talking about mangoes and how much he loved them, and I was like, oh that's interesting, cause mangoes are somewhat exotic and it sounded like he ate them all the time. So it was years later that I discovered that his Mom's side of the family calls bell peppers "mangoes". No idea why, but I was pretty confused about why grandpa was eating sausage and mangoes.
The more you post - the fruitier you get, lol
The up-vote/down-vote is nice, but I would like it better if you could see who voted. I know, that's a feature request.
Oh yeah, I didn't notice that you can't see the voting. Although to some degree, I like it being anonymous - it allows people to vote up or down without feeling guilty. I think that it provides a more honest assessment. If you can see who is doing it people are less likely to vote down something even when they don't like what is said.
that was me SAM
@Hubtech said:
that was me SAM
That's what I figured.
I think different icons for each side would be cool, but I think they should be smaller, not bigger.
I also agree with Scott's point about not showing who likes/dislikes.