Entry level gaming PC builds
I have a lot of interest from my friends recently for a basic gaming PC. Been building out AMD 6300 hex cores with GTX750ti. Would you suggest anything different?
$700CDN / $550USDI've been drawn to the unlocked Intel dual core (G3###?), but all these guys multi-task a lot and I'm not sure how well they'd handle it.
Paging @Mike-Ralston
He is gone on Vacation for the next 3 days (better known as taking care of a bored grandmother on bed rest)
What's the price difference on the dual vs. quad procs you're looking at?
I learned the hard way how important 4 cores are for me, but I run serverware in the background and tend to multitask all day, every day. I'm sitting here working off of 8GB for the next few days until my new RAM gets here and it's also extremely painful, I've had to close app from Windows messages saying my I was out of RAM repeatedly and even crashed some things. It might not be a bad idea to ask them to describe their general usage habits and then make an executive decision on whether their "computing personality" does indeed require the cores and sticks.
@MattSpeller said:
$90/G3258 dual core intel
$130/FX6300 hex core AMDFor $40 I think it's worth it
Agree. Though you can get an unlocked Intel quad that turbos to 3.7Ghz out of the box for $105 on Amazon.com ( i5-2500K ).
@creayt had not considered that! Good idea!
i5s are really good for gaming too. The non-HT high clock speeds often do best.