nadnerB's CloudatCost Project Journal
@scottalanmiller nice. I screen shot the directory from my laptop with a GUI
EDIT: that sounded disturbingly like TV IT. I apologise to all those who are racing for the spew buckets -
Reading for when I get home:
That's from CentOS 5. A bit old these days.
I thought just about everyone had given up on C@C now. Espcially since they never said what they'd do to fix the problems or had their webinar thing they promised.
@thecreativeone91 said:
I thought just about everyone had given up on C@C now. Espcially since they never said what they'd do to fix the problems or had their webinar thing they promised.
Nope still using them for personal lab stuff... still really can't beat the price for things that aren't really important.
@thecreativeone91 said:
I thought just about everyone had given up on C@C now. Espcially since they never said what they'd do to fix the problems or had their webinar thing they promised.
Still using and increasing usage here. For lab boxes they remain unbeatable. For production, we never were looking at them for that. I was pretty shocked when people started trying to deploy production to them. A little testing showed that normal production workloads weren't going to work there.
@scottalanmiller said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
I thought just about everyone had given up on C@C now. Espcially since they never said what they'd do to fix the problems or had their webinar thing they promised.
Still using and increasing usage here. For lab boxes they remain unbeatable. For production, we never were looking at them for that. I was pretty shocked when people started trying to deploy production to them. A little testing showed that normal production workloads weren't going to work there.
part of the time I can't even get file uploads to complete for testing things. It kinda works for testing for me. It depends on the day.
@scottalanmiller said:
That's from CentOS 5. A bit old these days.
Oh, righto. I'll have to keep digging then.
Righto, I'm still logging my experiences/project advancement here.
If you want to Negatron C@C, that's fine and can be fun BUT there are plenty of other threads, so please go and do it there. The little heart symbol (lower left of each post) will let you copy a hotlink to each post. Please use that for referencing my stuff in this thread
I'll be flagging posts that fall afoul of the above text in bold. Hmmmkay? <-- rhetorical question
@nadnerB said:
"Bump My Server Built Please" Why can't they just bump them automatically.
Also That should be Build not Built, they have not done it in the past tense.. Unless they have a time machine.
This does have great, long term, entertainment value.
Not sure how long this has been at this point for but at maximum, 2 hours. -
Aaaannndddd... it's done.
Powering it off until I can spend the time to secure it
@nadnerB said:
Powering it off until I can spend the time to secure it
Just leave it on, and post the IP here. Someone will be nice and secure it for you
@thecreativeone91 said:
@nadnerB said:
Powering it off until I can spend the time to secure it
Just leave it on, and post the IP here. Someone will be nice and secure it for you
Thanks for the offer.
That'll speed things up heaps!
The IP is