Transfer Windows 7 HD to new PC
Has anyone tried number one from this site?
I know, I know....just install Windows and all programs from scratch, but she can't find all her discs and she had downloaded tons of fonts and other Photoshop filters and such.
She really wanted me to buy a replacement Asus P6T Deluxe motherboard (LGA 1366), but most are used and only available on Ebay from China or Hong Kong and at $180-$250 w/o shipping, it just seems to be too much of a gamble.
So I am looking to buy an Intel Core i5 4440 and an Asus Z87-A mobo with Crucial 16GB kit (8GBx2) DDR3 1600 Ballistix Sport which should cost about $500. This should replace her Corei7 920 with 12GB RAM with just a small uptick in performance.
Before I even read the posted link I was going to suggest exactly that, sysprep the drive.
To make sure you can recover, I'd use something like Clonezilla to make a backup image to another drive. Then sysprep on the old system, after it shutsdown, move it to the new computer and boot - you'll need to download and install the system specific drivers on the new system... but it should work.
Sweet! Thanks @Dashrender