Is Your Business Falling Below the Home Line
I have, many times, used my home environments as an example to IT about where functional businesses should never fall below. So often small businesses don't take themselves seriously at all, at least not in an IT context. They don't do rational business analysis of their decision making. They run on emotion and often confuse themselves with consumers. Consumers buy what is flashy, attractive, interesting or what their friends have. Businesses need to be logical, fiscally minded, invest in their futures and buy what they need, not what they want. If a business does not take its data, its operational needs as seriously as IT pros take their own data or as seriously as any home power users takes their network we have a pretty real problem. Business data, for a healthy business, should be worth more and availability of that data and systems should be more important than it is for home users. For home users lacking access to data should be an inconvenience, not a financial loss.
We tell this to customers all the time. OOOH Shiny is not best business practice.
This is pretty common among technicians too, especially newer ones to the field. I've been guilty of it plenty of times. What makes sense in a home environment very rarely applies in the business environment, although some of the same principles may apply, but rarely the same equipment or methods for determining the right equipment. As @Minion-Queen said, the "oohh, shiny!" approach can be compared to how a raccoon reacts when it finds something shiny. It grabs it and won't let go no matter what, regardless of what that may mean to their health or lives. Too many businesses fall into the same, simple trap...
Funny enough I just had this talk with our President about a 3D printer...