CSS help
I am trying to edit a simple page that has:
<h3 style='text-align: center'>Some Data</h3> <h5 style='text-align: center'>More data</h5> <h5 style='text-align: center'>final set of data</h5>
When the page displays it has A LOT of space between each line. How do I remove all that space?
@wls-itguy We are going to need more of the CCS to be able to help.
Format would be like this...
h3, h5{ line-height: 30px; }
Here is the .maincap css lines:
.maincap { font-size: 18pt; -webkit-column-count: 1;-moz-column-count: 1;column-count: 1; page-break-before: always; width:100% }
And the lines where .maincap is called in the page:
echo " <div class='maincap'> <h3 style='text-align: center'>Some Data</h3> <h5 style='text-align: center'>More Data</h5> <h5 style='text-align: center'>Other simple data</h5> <h4>Student: {$grade->first} {$grade->middle} {$grade->last}</h4> <h5>SSN# {$ssnp}</h5> <h5>DOB: {$grade->dob}</h5>
@wls-itguy search for the margin properties, headers usually have by default a lot more than paragraphs.
Usually people reset all the margins and paddings on the page elements to 0 and then set them to the value of their choosing.
For example, here in yellow are the default margins for an h5 set by the nodebb devs and shown in mangolassi.
@wls-itguy search for the margin properties, headers usually have by default a lot more than paragraphs.
Usually people reset all the margins and paddings on the page elements to 0 and then set them to the value of their choosing.
For example, here in yellow are the default margins for an h5 set by the nodebb devs and shown in mangolassi.
Perfect example! See the spacing between student, SSN, and DOB, I don't want that at all or at least half of that