Remoteapp issue Windows 10 workspace.
I've got 2 computers that will not download the remoteapp Work Resources. However, I'm able to access the resources via Web Browser and run the application through there and download the rdp shortcut. I searched online and it suggested to :
In the registry editor, delete the contents of "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\workspaces\Feeds".
On the hard drive, delete the contents of "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Workspaces".
Attempt to recreate the connection
Issue still not resolved. No sure what it is, because authentication works fine, networking is good, and name resolution as well. Any help would be appreciated.
@fredtx did you reboot after clearing those keys? I’m not using workspaces anyplace at the moment to try and test this.
@jaredbusch said in Remoteapp issue Windows 10 workspace.:
@fredtx did you reboot after clearing those keys? I’m not using workspaces anyplace at the moment to try and test this.
Yes I did. This may be from the aftermath from last Friday where I had to fix the RD Broker that wasn't allowing new remote apps on "any" workstation. Couldn't even access rd web from the broker itself. I had to give full access to IIS_URS and Network Service groups for both files and c:\windows\temp folders. Restart IIS and that fixed the company wide issue. However, this 2 computers are giving me issues still.