powershell - delete row in csv file
Hi again,
I have a script that will loop through (ForEach-loop) the csv file. The script will test some criteria and if it is a match it will execute the command. Afterward, I want the script to delete that row as it is no longer valid. However, any other row that does not match the criteria should be left alone.This is what I have so far...
$CsvPath = "E:\Docs\Documents\Scripts\OOO.csv"
$CsvImport = Import-Csv $CsvPath
$CsvDate = Get-Date -Format 'M/d/yyy'
$CsvTime = Get-Date -Format 'hh:mm tt'
foreach ($CsvItem in $CsvImport)
$CsvEmailFrom = $csvItem.emailfrom
$CsvEmailTo = $csvitem.emailto
$CsvStartDate = [datetime]$CsvItem.startdate
$CsvStartDate = $CsvStartDate.ToShortDateString()
$CsvStartTime = [datetime]$CsvItem.starttime
$CsvStartTime = $CsvStartTime.ToString('hh:mm tt')
$CsvEndDate = [datetime]$CsvItem.enddate
$CsvEndDate = $CsvEndDate.ToString('hh:mm tt')
$CsvEndTime = [datetime]$CsvItem.endtime
$CsvEndTime = $CsvEndTime.ToString('hh:mm tt')
$customTime = [datetime]"09:59AM"
$customTime = $customTime.ToString('hh:mm tt')
#Invalid start/enddate
#($CsvStartDate -gt $CsvEndDate)if ($CsvDate -eq $CsvStartDate -and $CsvDate -le $CsvEndDate){
if ($CsvTime -gt $CsvStartTime){
Export-Csv $CsvPath
}The table is a simple table
Edit: I did found couple ways to do this, but the script they provided is a lot more complicate than I like it to be. I am trying to avoid my future self from going crazy trying to understand WTF my past self has wrote.
did you looked at this?
it uses the Remove method and seems quite straightforward to me. You just need to rework the for loop or simply add a counter to it to know which row has to be purged.