Game: The Ship, secret sale
Scott brought this game up not to long ago. I think normally its what a $20 game? Steam has it on sale for $5
I think $5 is too much, bundle star has it on sale for $1 -
Wow. But do they offer unlimited, free "pass it on" multiplayer licenses? Steam bundles multiple copies plus the single player version for $5.
@scottalanmiller said:
Wow. But do they offer unlimited, free "pass it on" multiplayer licenses? Steam bundles multiple copies plus the single player version for $5.
Buy it for me and send me the code, I'll find out for you
@RAM. I plan to start sending out the code soon. I bet Nic has codes too. It's unlimited. Anyone to whom I send one gets to send one to someone else. So it only takes a few people to cover a ton of ground.
Send me a code man :-D, both you and Nic are friends with me
(the president)
@RAM. I think I gave mine away already - I no longer see them in my gift inventory
Oh man. We need to carefully pass these around ML so that we can all play. I'll get NTG to pass them around then send to ML.