WIM to VHD for image upgrades
Because of our scale, I decided to stop using SCCM (only 110 users) and use WDS. Works fantastic. The only problem is updating the images. There are now 150 updates to new images that run after a reimage plus a couple programs that need to be added. I found some support to a convert-windowsimage.ps1 -showui PowerShell script that one can run. I got an execution policy error and had to change that to run the script. Once I changed that, it ran but didn't load up the WIM2VHD GUI. No errors, nothing.
We don't have VMware Workstation so I'm trying to do this in VirtualBox. In short, how do you load up a .wim in a virtual instance (doesn't HAVE to be VirtualBox) so that I can modify it, then capture it as a .wim to be uploaded to WDS? Surely I can't be the only one who wants to do this. It would make things so much easier than trying to track down the machines (we don't have extras) and modify/capture.
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@BBigford Overall this is just poor planning. I shouldn't have built them on the actual machines. I should have built virtual images so I could:
*Obtain snapshots before sysprep and
*Get around sysprep rearm because snapshots date back prior to first sysprep.If I can convert them, I don't have to rebuild them.