@JaredBusch You guys are demanding! Good feedback, entire checkbox label is active in v0.2.8-x I just published.

Best posts made by Ylian
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
One more quick news. I have been working on MongoDB tuning in the last few days. You should be able to connect 10k+ devices easy on a AWS t3.medium instance (Amazon Linux 2, 30$/mo + traffic) without issues. Just published v0.2.8-r with proper MongoDB indexes and query fixes. Handles 1000's of devices now. Still room for improvement, but the previous version where REALLY bad with connection scaling. v0.2.8-r is a lot better at that. Graph below shows MongoDB wasted time for a server with 5000+ agents.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
FYI. Just published @MeshCentral v0.3.5-x with new agent installation invitation link system. You can create a time limited link and send it to users who get agent installation instructions. In agent installation page supports many OS's and tries to detect the browser's OS to be on the right starting tab (Picture below). This had been requested earlier in this thread, feedback on this appreciated.
And yes, I do need to work on improved group management. I am certainly keeping busy.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Hi. Ylian here. I am the guy behind MeshCentral. I am really busy writing code but wanted to say hi. In reading this thread I figured I would answer a few questions. So yes, MeshCentral2 is a complete re-write. The older version was designed about 10 years ago when the web was very different. Only some parts of the old agent code have been kept in the new one, but it's mostly all new. Coding started a bit over a year ago, so progress has been pretty good.
When setting up a MeshCentral server, the first account you create will be administrator on the server. All accounts after that are normal users. If you want to block new accounts, set newAccounts to 0 in the "config.json" file in the default domains section. Take a look at the very end of the User's Guide for an example config.json. If you have not do so already, look at the config.json file and user's guide, there are plenty of customization options.
We currently test on Windows7 and higher. Windows XP is increasingly difficult to support because we use features in the MeshAgent that are not supported in older operating systems (pretty much threading related).
If you have any feature requests, please don't hesitate to add them to the list of issues on MeshCentral Github. Not sure if you guy saw this on the blog, but we just added audio/video chat support.
Any feedback and bug reports are very much appreciated. Obviously I can't always do magic. Just as a fun exclusive fact for this thread: If you press "shift" when you hit the full screen icon in remote desktop, it will use browser full screen.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Published v0.2.7-o with support for Yubikey's, USB authentication keys. Probably more fixes to do, but it seems to work.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
LOL. I just got back this morning and about to step back on the coding treadmill. Got a lot of bug reports on GitHub I need to got thru in the coming days.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Quick note that MeshCentral v0.3.6-n just got published with remote user consent support for remote desktop, terminal and file access. The remote user prompt will work on Windows, MacOS and many Linux distributions. This is a much improved MeshAgent, so lots of fixes. Enjoy and of course, feedback appreciated.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Just posted a blog on the latest MeshCentral2 improvements. Added FreeBSD support, Puppy Linux support, Account creation invitation Email, Notification control and API Tracing.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
FYI. MeshCentral just hit 500k downloads on npm-stat.com in about 2 years of being available.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
@scottalanmiller You guys are going to flood me with bug reports! Yes, please file them on GitHub. Very must appreciated. I am going back to code now. Got plenty to go fix.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Just published MeshCentral v0.2.5-d where you can re-brand the top bar with your company logo. Personally, I would start with the "logoback.png" file in the "node_modules/meshcentral/public/images" and add your logo to it. Instruction are in section 19 of the new v0.1.9 User's Guide. Enjoy!
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Published Meshcentral v0.2.6-j with support for two-factor login using Google Authentication or any compatible app. Also, if an SMTP server is setup, the server will now require email verification before you can create a device group. This way, users don't start adding devices without a password recovery option. Lastly, did a bunch of improvements when the server is running with Windows domain authentication.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
@JaredBusch Just released MeshCentral v0.2.7-b, you can now hold SHIFT and click on a device to open it in a different tab on the browser. Also, many more bug fixes.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
FYI. On latest version of MeshCentral, if you enable 2 factor authentication you also get the option to generate and use one-time tokens now. Good backup in case you drop your phone.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
You guys get an premiere, I am posting this here first. I just published the all new MeshCentral Router for Windows. Allows TCP port mapping thru the MeshCentral server. Requires v0.3.0-t or later. You can RDP, PuTTY, WinSCP to remote computers. Youtube video demonstration here. Feedback & bug reports appreciated.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Just published MeshCentral v0.3.2-l with early support for user notification when a remote session is connected. I expect to keep adding to this going forward, but wanted to release a starter version that just displays a toast notification when a remote session is connected. You can go in the device group page and edit this. You can also add "UserConsentFlags" in config.json domain section to force all device groups domain wide:
"__UserConsentFlags__" : "Set to: 1 for desktop, 2 for terminal, 3 for files, 7 for all", "UserConsentFlags" : 7
Feedback appreciated,
Ylian -
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
@Romo Just fixed Win7 "Interactive Services Detection" bug in MeshCentral v0.2.5-b. If it happens again, let me know.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
MeshCentral trick: Set a session secret in the config.json like this:
{ "settings": { "SessionTime": 60, "SessionKey": "MyReallySecretPassword" } }
This way, when the server restarts/updates, you don't need to log back in each time. By default, the session secret is generated on server start so everyone needs to login again because browser cookies can't be decoded anymore.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Someone just posted the login problem on GitHub and I posted a fix for it. MeshCentral v0.2.7-r is now live. This fix should solve exactly the problem you got.
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
@black3dynamite Right, it's not always big updates. Doing a lot of security work recently. Just about to publish a new version with better password change dialogs, random time delay if on bad passwords, ask for old password when changing it, display password policy at the right places, etc.