just registered to mangolassi

Best posts made by xisco
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
hi, i came here when trying to install XO community, and I thinks its a very interesting forum.
I moved from esxi to xenserver, i hope will learn anlot here -
RE: Ubuntu 17.04 Moves from Swap Disk to Swap File
well, it's not a bad idea, nowadays computers have huge amounts of ram so swap is rarely used, and what is the benefit of a swap partition unless you have it in a separate drive?
RE: Autoupdates Killed My Windows Server 2008 R2
@Mike-Davis does terminal server connection works?? what about windows offline updater http://download.wsusoffline.net/
Wordpress Real Estate plugin or theme
I've been asked to do a small site with Real Estate section. I've been looking in google, but do you recommend me any?
I've been also looking for a wordpress hosting, do you recommend me a cheap one?, I think sitegorund is a good option.Thnaks
Should I move to Xenserver 7.2?
I use xenserver Free. A few days ago appeared new updates, one ( Citrix XenServer 7.1 LTSR CU1) can only go to web page to update , and I think is only for people who pays a licencse.
The other update seem to have a bug to install will try this
I've found this blog entry
https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2017/09/15/xenserver-releases-something-for-everyone/I'm not sure if I've understood it, should I download CU updates on iso form and install them from now on!?
If I move to 7.2 Free edition will get updates as usual?? Do you recommend to move??Thanks