@Karlita said in Checking Out Xojo:
https://www.xojo.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwwdTbBRAIEiwAYQf_E1PIAP8Vj-IpNn_llM0fO5oahtpcJL4UOMru_5b3GzfBag3FUrT9ZRoCcdoQAvD_BwEhappy wheels
Have you tried out Xojo? What are your opinions on this?
@Karlita said in Checking Out Xojo:
https://www.xojo.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwwdTbBRAIEiwAYQf_E1PIAP8Vj-IpNn_llM0fO5oahtpcJL4UOMru_5b3GzfBag3FUrT9ZRoCcdoQAvD_BwEhappy wheels
Have you tried out Xojo? What are your opinions on this?
@scottalanmiller said in DuoLingo Challenge:
DuoLingo is not messing around five nights at freddy's
Nope, I'm plagued by email reminders even though I deleted it.
@hobbit666 said in MPLS alternative:
So following on from another thread.
I'm today's modern day how would you handle:-
*Multiple site connections around 60 sites.
*Internet access via a
for "security" either at a single point or something per connection? Nice to have Intruction detection blah blah blahand content filtering. Will need to allow certain ports in and out (I know this is normally standard on Firewalls/UTMs but worth mentioning)
*semi managed with high SLA.How would multiple vpns be handled. Would it be a case each sites router would have multiple vpns to each site? Or a single VPN to a singe "master" site/device.
About two years ago, we stopped using MPLS in favor of site-to-site virtual private networks. Costs are decreasing, speeds are increasing, and visibility is improving. We're using Fortigates for the firewalls, but you should be able to use whichever firewall you're comfortable maintaining. Similar use profile in terms of traffic type (Citrix ICA). We used hub and spoke vpn architecture, which works well for us; what works best for you will rely on the rest of your infrastructure topology.
@popester said in VIM refresher:
Stumbled across this, https://www.openvim.com/redactle unlimited
Advice from a wise man. Know how to use the tools you have.
Wow. Thank you for sharing. It's so helpful.