Looks like I'm headed to a BBQ near Funky Town (Ft. Worth) this weekend. Sunday I'll be rocking to a All Texas hip-hop Everything DJ set in Dallas.

Posts made by RestoronixDavid
RE: Weekend Plans
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scottalanmiller Just when I thought Popeye's couldn't get any better.
RE: What are you listening to? What would you recommend?
@RojoLoco I don't know man, Wayne's Swag Surf off of No Ceilings is one of my favorite verses ever, its crisp and everything rolls off the tongue so well. ATL has definitely been killing it this past year, you are hard pressed to not hear ATL after ATL at any DJ function I go to.
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
@wirestyle22 Yeah the diversity of the civs is incredible. Lots of originality, and I like the hybrid fantasy/technology world. Definitely need more of it in more games.
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
@Kelly I've heard that there are some standard features not included in ES2 yet. I remember being in the beta for ES1 and they did not have razing a system in yet, and it was a while before they put it in. Granted it was a beta, they were using Games2Gether, and the community never voted on razing being a priority. Might wait a bit before diving into ES2.
RE: What are you listening to? What would you recommend?
T-Pain dropped the long rumored project between him and Lil' Wayne from the 07's and 08's, T-Wayne https://soundcloud.com/tpain/sets/t-wayne
Super dope to hear some new prime Weezy, T-Pain destroyed this tape, at points he was out rapping Wayne. Definitely a nice time capsule of hip-hop that really harkens to the mid 2000's.
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Running through Endless Space and Endless Legend, the world building in these games is so well done. Amplitude does a bang up job, anyone playing Endless Space 2? How is it holding up so far?
RE: DFW Mango Meetup May 2017
You can definitely count me in. Will be arriving closer to 7pm.
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@scottalanmiller Real person #2 checking in here. Excited to be a part of Restoronix! My name is David and I'm also out of Dallas, TX. Stoked to meet those of you who are coming to the DFW Mango meet-up.