What is it like to spend a year co-hosting a podcast? I decided to do a write up on the experience, the interesting challenges it has presented, and some of the things I've learned along the way.
You can get the full story here.
What is it like to spend a year co-hosting a podcast? I decided to do a write up on the experience, the interesting challenges it has presented, and some of the things I've learned along the way.
You can get the full story here.
What do you do when a hobby becomes a career? Better yet, have you thought about turning a hobby into a career? Would it still be something you enjoy?
Check out part 2 of our interview with Ethan Banks to hear the story of how Packet Pushers began and what it takes to start and maintain a business. Get the episode here.
This week is part 1 of our interview with Ethan Banks (of Packet Pushers, Datanauts co-host). Ethan shares his early career progression and some great nuggets on what it means to be a manager. Get the full episode here.
I heard about this opening recently from a member of my professional network and wanted to pass it along to others. I'm happy to vouch for a fellow community member that has the right skills. Feel free to send me a chat message.
Pro tip - watch the video on the job posting.
This week we discuss all things related to presentations. It's interesting that this was released on the day AWS re:Inforce kicked off but not planned. I'd be curious to know what seasoned presenters think of the tips in this episode. Get the sound bytes here.
This week the Nerd Journey Podcast is officially over the hill. Have you developed the mindset of an enterprise architect? If not, listen to this episode for some great tips on how to get there.
This week is part 1 of an interview with Paul Woodward, Jr. and A.J. Kuftic on making the transition to enterprise. Get the full episode here. Let us know what you think!
What would you do if you suddenly lost your job? Tune in this week for part 2 of our interview with Jon Hildebrand to hear his story. Get the full episode here.
Check out this week's episode on the move from engineer to architect as we share part 1 of our interview with Jon Hildebrand. The full episode can be found here.
@IRJ said in Running Filebeat on ARM:
@NetworkNerd said in Running Filebeat on ARM:
@JaredBusch said in Running Filebeat on ARM:
But building something gets complicated because you will have to deal with rebuilding it on kernel changes I do believe.
Can you not find any other way to get the data off this system?
Oh man, that's a point I had not considered.
I thought about trying the Splunk Universal Forwarder as an option but had not signed up for Splunk free so I can use it. The back-end system to which I am sending logs (which is not Splunk) can accept logs sent via Raw TCP (which I believe the Splunk Universal Forwarder should do for me) or logs sent using Filebeat.
Wazuh uses filebeat. You could just use a wazuh agent and accomplish the same thing.
That's a good point, but I don't see ARM support for Wazuh listed in their compatibility matrix unless I've just missed it.
@JaredBusch said in Running Filebeat on ARM:
But building something gets complicated because you will have to deal with rebuilding it on kernel changes I do believe.
Can you not find any other way to get the data off this system?
Oh man, that's a point I had not considered.
I thought about trying the Splunk Universal Forwarder as an option but had not signed up for Splunk free so I can use it. The back-end system to which I am sending logs (which is not Splunk) can accept logs sent via Raw TCP (which I believe the Splunk Universal Forwarder should do for me) or logs sent using Filebeat.
I'd like to take advantage of Filebeat on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ (currently running the latest version of Raspbian) to send logs to an external system, but from everything I have read, there is no package for it for ARM (unless you run ArchLinux, that is). This post from the Elastic community states they do not officially support ARM.
I found this blog someone wrote about building Filebeat from scratch so it would work on ARM, so if I go for it, I would follow their steps and just make necessary tweaks for newer versions of go, etc. The author shows how to build Filebeat for ARM and then how to install and configure, but the interesting thing in my opinion is that there was no mention of how well Filebeat worked long term.
Has anyone here gone through the process and had it work out well? For reference, the repo for Filebeat is here. I'd appreciate any thoughts / feedback.
This week we tackle customer advocacy programs. What are they, and how can they benefit both a vendor and a customer? Get the scoop here.
This is the much awaited part 2 of our discussion with @Jimmy-T. Listen to how Jimmy became a master of relatable experience after participating and running a gaming community. Get the full scoop here.
I just heard about this today.
For those using Pi-Hole, who do you use for your upstream DNS providers? I'm partial to CloudFlare but wanted to see what others chose. OpenDNS or Comodo sound like solid choices as well.
Additionally, did you select more than one upstream DNS provider for a measure of redundancy (i.e. one DNS server from two or 3 different providers)? Unless you specify ip addresses in the custom DNS server settings in Pi-hole, it's not quite clear which one becomes the primary DNS provider if you're using multiple.
@Phil-CommQuotes I still have yet to meet you in person after all the run ins in the Spiceworks community. Hopefully you'll make it down to Dallas one of these days, even if it is next year at MangoCon.
In this episode, it's part 1 of our interview with @Jimmy-T! He talks us through his early career journey and how he got into the Spiceworks community. Get the full episode here.
This time it is part 2 of the conversation with Tony Reeves. In this episode Tony talks about getting involved in user groups and eventually being a part of the leadership team. Get the full episode here.