On-Prem Exchange
Outlook 2019
Okay so because we need everyone in the organization to see this shared calendar, and we can't add each person because you can't add that many people (I think it's somewhere in the ballpark of 64 max) I've been trying to figure out how to make it work/best practices.
After a bit of reading, I've created mail-enable Dynamic Distribution groups (via EAC) based on the "Department" field in the Organization tab of User>Properties in AD. I know these work, as I've been using them.
But, since you can't add dynamic distribution groups to the permissions list for calendars, I've created a mail-enable security group (via EAC) and put them all in it.
However, I can't get it to work. Users are able to pull the calendar up, but it just says "failed to update" above it, and I'm guessing it's a permissions issue.
Current permissions on each Distibution group:
Membership>Members: All Recipient Types (after "Only the following: Users with Exchange mailboxes" didn't work.)
Rule>Recipient Container: Domain (contoso.com)
Rule>Department: listed department names from the department fields in AD ("Registrar" etc.)
Any ideas?
EDIT: I'm clearly having a moment. So there's this little group called "Default" that's basically everyone, so I was able to set Reviewer to that group and now everyone can see the calendar. ::facepalm::
I'd still like to know how I could make my initial approach work, if possible.