How many meta games this year?
Posts made by momurda
RE: SPF Records for Google Apps Mail
Yes, but you may want to use - instead of ~
a ~ is a softfail, will still allow messages through, just shows up as SPF failure in email headers.
a - is hard fail, shuts those spoofers down. -
RE: Was looking at flights for Mangocon, then this happened...
Yes, i think i am going home early today, for real this time. Last night i read more about icmp, there is really a lot going on with that old protocol. 99.99% of the time you can get your troubleshooting done with Reply and Unreachable. but there is much more.
Was looking at flights for Mangocon, then this happened...
Slow day, was going to go home early. Decided not to. About 30 seconds after i was looking at flights to Rochester from Seattle, i start hearing users mumbling about things not working.
My stuff seems to be working fine, but i go out and see whats happening. Sure enough, people's Outlook is disconnected. then their phones stop working(voip). I go back into my office and suddenly nothing works. I mean nothing. Cant ping any device at all. However, our wifi network is working well. It is on a different vlan and subnet, gets its dhcp from Watchguard.I go in server room, check to make sure everything is still on. It is, so i then move my pc's network port to a different switch. Success, i can ping our exchange, firewall, and google... for about 3 seconds. Then nothing again.
I log into our sole remaining physical Domain Controller, take a look at dhcp, dns, network traffic. Something is sending out a ton of traffic from "WTF" i said very loudly. Perhaps we got hit with a virus of some kind.I think to go downstairs and ask if the engineers have plugged anything into the network(we make network monitoring equipment). At any given time the engineers and tech support folks have at least half a dozen devices plugged in, mostly to unmanaged switch devices. Not ideal, but it has been like that for at least a decade and i just started here. I go to this one gal's workstation,
ping google
No resources.
No resources.
No resources.
No resources.Been doing this quite a while, never seen ping return that result. As such it give me an idea; i unplug the unmanaged switch at her desk. 30 seconds later, everything is back to normal. Got a bit lucky that i went to this engineers station first and did a ping test and saw something id never seen before, or I would probably be still be pulling hair out.
It's a good thing i didnt decide to go home early, or the office might have caught on fire or something else like that. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
You can also throw some io at a disk by copying a large file or lots of small files to a vm(do it twice at the same time if you want to see if you max out) to test your iops. Or reboot a few vms at the same time. My storage array hits 1500 or so before it starts to peak, iirc from some tests i did back in the winter. Though i do wonder if some of that isnt bound by us using a Gb network rather than 10Gb.![iscsi iops for my XS001 Xenserver host]( image url)
This shows the last ten minutes of iops for all SRs attached to my XS001 host. The purple iscsi3 is an SR; i booted a vm that lives there that nobody ever uses. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
In XenCenter, if your Xenserver is up to date with all hotfixes, you can use the performance tab in XC on the XS host to measure disk performance (read/write/total iops, queue length for each SR or vd) and you should get accurate results. If you dont have the hotfixes installed, you prob will not get accurate results.
In general longer queue lengths mean the disk cant keep up with what it is being asked to do.
You can also query performance from the cli using iostat. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
This issue is fascinating.
Here is an article from Citrix, the answer is probably here, though at this time it is a bit over my head.
This discusses coalescing, and reasons for failure and steps to troubleshoot and fix the coalescing issues.
There seem to be 8 possible issues for this happening automatically.
/var/log/SMlog probably has more info about the problem according to this.
Also, are you able to move the SR(which will automatically get rid of ss chains) or export the vm and delete it, then import it?
I also think that any of these solutions require you to have sufficient free space on the SR. -
RE: Yealink W52P config files
Sometimes our watchguard firewall will block the ports on our voip phones when they download the config, thinking it is a port scan attack since all the phones go out at once. This generally only happens after isp/power outage. Our phones get the config from a 3rd party during dhcp. The config file is hosted on an apache2 webserver run by our phone provider(I'd have probably done it differently if i was here when they transitioned from the awesome Mitel pbx powerhouse to this voip solution.
We only have 1 of the phones youre talking about, for the receptionist. All the others are T42G phones. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
Did you try using vgs and vhd-util, to see if the hidden=1 is on for your troubled vhd?
THere is also an XS6.5 update that was just released (well just showed up in my XC the other day), XS65ESP1029, with the description "fixes to Storage and Dom0 kernel modules"I also just noticed your post yesterday in this thread about "Run out of space while coalescing".
I still think this is something to do with you Unitrends failures and snapshotting.
At this point i think all you can really do is reboot and/or delete those snapshots-but-not-snapshots, or just move the disk to another SR. However, befopre you do any of this, you should do something to save the data that could go missing.
I would robocopy /mir /copy:DATSO the shares on that virtual disk drive somewhere else just in case you wipe outthe virtual disk. I keep a 4TB usb3 drive hooked up to my desktop just for things like this. -
"Your computer has been updated and needs to be restarted. Your computer will restart in 2 days..."
What they really mean: "Your server will restart the instant your ts session is closed, or you logoff, no matter what time of day it is, or the amount of time elapsed since updates were installed"
RE: Weekend Plans
I will be trying to learn about Dynamics 2013 in our environment. Now ive got things running smoothly boss wants me to take over crm customization duties.
RE: Non-IT News Thread
I lived in Orlando for a few years in my 20s. Nobody ever went swimming in the many lakes and ponds around the city, because 'gators. It is why everybody has swimming pools.
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
More fun with vhd-util.
this guy at citrix forums says moving the disk to new SR, then runnign Reclaim Free Space may do something. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
Also with regards to your backups, you may have to look at bpserver-5.log to actually see the error in the backup. The attach the disk to vm failed seems to me a generic error for Unitrends. Ive always foudn more useful info int he bpserver log file.
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
I was looking for more ways to look at virtual storage in Xenserver
This post may be useful, uses vgs and vhd-util. This could give you a bit of insight into the storage -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
Ok, well then, I am just about out of ideas.
Is your Unitrends doing a backup now? At what point do your backups fail? Quickly? during bacup? During cleanup after backup(deleting snapshots, etc).
I also use Unitrends and had some problems at the beginning.
Perhaps i can help fix the Unitrends problem before you go about deleting 2TB vdis that you may or may not need. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
This is the Objects view, not Infrastructure view in Xencenter.
From there expand Virtual Disks, and you will see this view.
Edit: Have you selected View Hidden Objects from View menu?
The problem seems to be these 2 massive disks that are there taking up space, but not being seen by XC correctly. I am certain you could manually delete them, but i would make sure the 'real' disk that you are currently using has a different uuid than the 2 that are in limbo. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
Hmmm. I ran xe vdi-list is-a-snapshot=true
Got 1 result, a disk from our crm server. If you go to
the Objects button instead of Infrastructure in XC(
You see in mine here, the 2 disk for crm01. One of them shows as a snapshot, even though the XC thinks there isnt one for this vm. This is a byproduct of failed backups i think with Unitrends, soemtimes they dont delete themselves.
If you do this you may see your 2 vdi listed here as well as the disk actually being used.
Ah weird formatting on the pic, soz. -
RE: Xenserver Space Woes
Ok, what about the SR where you Unitrends backup disks are? Is there anything amiss there?