The Microsoft Access Database Engine (on it´s different versions) can install an update that make Office (2010, 2007 and 365apps - didn´t found on other versions yet but it could be) appears as invisible for Avimark ("Microsoft Word not properly installed..."), to solve that you need to uninstall it and then reboot Windows. Oldest Office versions may also need to run a QuickFix on the Office setup.

Posts made by MC_Bol
Avimark "Microsoft Word not properly installed..." error appears suddendly
Antech Integration Error - DATE: 03/23/2023
PRODUCTS: All PIMS DATE: 03/23/2023
Antech Lab
Support has received notification that clinics are experiencing errors and delays when using the Antech integration with their software.Antech has not provided an ETA when the services will be restored, however once restored you will be able to return to using the integration with your software as normal.
Avimark: Error Attempt to read a record from XXXXXX.P2$ that doesn´t exist
This error is generated due to corrupted data base P2$ file when users try to open a New Item on Inventory List.
IMPORTANT: Please take in count that similar errors may appear but are not related to this guideline, this is specific for *.P2$ files.
IMPORTANT: Never delete P2$ files, it may generate critical issues with Avimark.
Error Sample:
For this case, you need to work on this when no one is connected to Avimark, then find the file on the Avimark folder
once located (please ensure that is the specific file), close Avimark and rename it as xxxxxxx.PS$BAK
Open AVimark Guardian and perform a rebuild indexes for Inventory List checking the option for Repair
Reboot the server once completed.
Now the error should be solved.
RE: Windows Update Print Nightmare Definitive solution - Network/label printer issues due to Windows Updates.
Definitive solution was updated on the initial discussion.
RE: Windows Update Print Nightmare Definitive solution - Network/label printer issues due to Windows Updates.
@dbeato Sadly by now, is the only real secure option so far, I hate that, but I don´t want to put on risk the system only for that. I have found some posts suggesting that changing/nullifying admin authority for printer drivers via regedit solve the issue (RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators), to change that you may follow next steps:
After installing updates released October 12, 2021 or later, you can also set RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators using a Group Policy, using the following instructions:
Open the group policy editor tool and go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Printers.
Set the Limits print driver installation to Administrators setting to "Disabled". This will set the registry value of RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0. -
Windows Update Print Nightmare Definitive solution - Network/label printer issues due to Windows Updates.
To solve the issue just follow next simple steps:
• have your PC´s fully updated
• open credential manager on the host PC (which will be connecting to the print server PC)
• install the Windows credentials of the print server PC (user/pw)
• install the shared printer
I have tested this several times and it´s working like a charm. (I don´t know why we didn´t think on this before).Hope it helps.
KB5005565 Windows Update error "Operation failed with error 0x0000011b" (related to PrintNightmare KB Driver Installation)
Since yesterday a main error was reported due to after install the WU KB5005565 several people are getting the error "Connect to printer Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation failed with error 0x0000011b" and the printer fails to install, even when printers was already installed or working on it.
A workaround was to set RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0, but that MAKE DEVICE VULNERABLE. In order of solve the issue I found that this solves uninstalling the WU KB5005565 on shared and remote devices.
You may also use next script to uninstall from CMD:
wusa /uninstall /KB:5005565 /quiet /warnrestartOther workaround to install the driver is using next script, but you need to find the right driver location to use this, so, to do that, first install the driver of the printer as admin and then use the script, the info that needs to be updated is on capital letters (DriverStore is usually located on your Windows\System32 folder):
powershell.exe -exec bypass -command "Add-PrinterDriver -Name 'NAME OF THE PRINTER TO INSTALL EVEN IF ITS NT SHARED' -InfPath ([System.Environment]::SystemDirectory + '\DriverStore\FileRepository\PRINTERNAME.INF_AMD64_60BCBA213FE1F4D9\PRINTERNAME.INF')"
If there is another workaround, please share.
Windows Superfetch (SysMain using 100% of Disk Usage)
Some devices using Superfetch feature seems running fine, but on some cases (specially on 6ht and 7th gen intel CPUs), that service uses a lot of resources of HDD, resulting in a poor performance (and in some cases, that is after some specific Windows updates), but I found that disabling it, does not really affect the system (as far I can see) and some recommend to fully disable that one (via Services), my question is if someone have experienced issues disabling SysMain service, or in other case recommend other option to solve this Disk Usage issue (device and windows is fully updated if that info helps). Thanks!
RE: Zabbix Agent alert on active mode?
@killmasta93 said in Zabbix Agent alert on active mode?:
The template i have for the agents on windows and linux called OS windows active agent and OS linux active agent. But i implemented proxy i had it directly to the zabbix server only issue there is that my server was getting overloaded
Really odd, my suggestion for the alert you´re working with is based on ping trigger (usually included on the template) instead of Timeout macro (but I´m not plenty sure that´s the reason of the issue), because, as far I can see on your screenshots or the setup its not responding to macro (may happen some times) or macro may not respond on short period of times (see the warning on "Consider to keep it relatively high"), As far I know macros are not useful on short periods of time, that´s why I have not used on my side (unless necessary)
RE: Zabbix Agent alert on active mode?
Hi, first of all I need to know if you did the setup to alert when agent is offline, that´s on the template configuration at the zabbix server dashboard. Simply check the active templates and triggers assigned to your agents. If not, you may need to set that first.
If you did the setup, then you may need to check how it was setup (I may assume that you did, due to you received the alert), so, to do that, simply open current trigger and verify how it´s setup, if you want to receive the alert after 5 min, it should be set on the "Expression" as: {"name of your template"}=1 , note that the (5m) expression is the time you may need to change (probably in your case is set as 30m or 0.5h.
Hope this helps.
RE: Download Exchange Online Email in PST Format
@scottalanmiller The procedure using PS could be found here, you´ll find some info at the end of that link (Use the Exchange Management Shell to create a mailbox export request).
RE: Common Ports - CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Prof Messer
this is amazingly didactical... really enjoy this.
RE: Introduction to IP - CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Prof Messer
on of the most didactical videos to learn about IP and network.
How to find "None" tags on Mesh Central
It´s really easy, but not easy to figure it out... I was looking for a solution, so I´ll share with you the solution to find those devices tagged as "None" on Mesh Central:
- On "My Devices" tab on Mesh, simply sort by "Device" and on devices filter type "tag:" or "t:" (without quotation marks)
Hope this helps!
RE: Zabbix 5 Alerts
@hobbit666 suggest you to use next template, really fun, and it is really specific regarding your requirement: Hope it helps! -
RE: How Do You Configure the Zabbix Agent to be Active Only
@matypro Hi.. to help you on this, I need to clarify two points (maybe you know that, but just in case). To enable Active Agents on Zabbix, there are some things:
- Set agents as active - this is the most important one due to this configuration enables the active communication, so to do that:
- Set ACTIVE agents and server, set the port 10051 TCP (localhost on server, and Listenport on agent)
- On Zabbix Server you will find the "Template Os Windows", (also available for Linux and Mac), so full clone it and change the name (ie. "Template OS Windows Active") and add/LInk on it the "Template AppZabbix Agent Active" which is available on your list of preconfigured templates on Zabbix server... once you do that, you´re ready to setup, actually you don´t need to setup the IP of the agent on the Zabbix server (that´s required only for Passive profile), just ensure that it containt the Agent name.
Now your Server and Agent are on active mode, you may find a world of options about the data you need to get on active mode, but some such as network, processor or memory are ready out of the box from these templates.
If you need more help just let me know
- Set agents as active - this is the most important one due to this configuration enables the active communication, so to do that:
RE: Bits and Bytes (1983)
@scottalanmiller Bits & Bytes are still the rule! (+ nostalgia)
Issues Reinstalling (or Upgrading) Windows Zabbix Agent
Issue: Some times when you want to reinstall or upgrade WZA (Windows Zabiix Agent) on a Server with an old (or even same) version, it may happen that despite uninstall and delete the Zabbix Agent service (on windows services), and even restarting your Server, the installation process finish with "ended prematurely".
Solution: Zabbix Agent windows service it´s blocking a installation process, so even if that service is deleted from regedit (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services), it´s important to use sc command to delete it on the right way, so open cmd with Administrator privileges and then type: sc delete "Zabbix Agent", once you press enter, it should appear [SC] DeleteSErvice SUCCESS
Now you will able to install msi file or install files separately. Don´t forget to check windows firewall to confirm that Zabbix Agent is allowed.