I mentioned in the welcome section that I was in the process of switching away from Hyper-V in my homelab and in my volunteer work. Hyper-V is out due to the loss of 5nine manager. esxi is out because of the expense and their inability to provide a fully functional Web client to replace the thick client they've killed off.
I was leaning toward XenServer because Xen Orchestra makes it very usable and they do have at least a small market share making it easier to find information and other users. The new, fully open source model is appealing because I know that even if Citrix totally screws it up, the code base won't die.
Replies to my 'hello' message are stongly suggesting KVM and it appears that there may be some gui options - not sure they're as good as XO though.
I run Debian (and Ubuntu), Centos and a smattering of Windows at home. My volunteer work is 90% Windows.
So, everybody really likes KVM. Is there a particular problem with XenServer? I know they had some real problems with IO bottlenecks in versions prior to 7.0, but they claim to have improved, and I get decent iSCSI performance to a FreeNAS server I'm using for testing.
Thanks for the information already provided and for any other comments or suggestions.