My 4 month old niece is already a natural Sysadmin!
Best posts made by JessWaterfordTech
Help learning how to add CAPTCHA to contact forms
I am a super beginner at programming and coding. I have taken some classes (used Team Treehouse and some CodeAcademy) although that was a while ago. I am able to edit and manipulate web pages in Wordpress. I cheat and find the codes I need online and I make it happen.
My recent project/task was to fix broken links on one of our sites. I had my first experience roaming through our site that is hosted on Azure and learned basics on how to use FileZilla to transfer files from the hosted server to edit. The links were fixed and all was grand! A couple weeks later, our sales team had over 20,000 spam emails come through from the contact forms. Naturally, I was under the spotlight because I was the last one to make changes although our site has never had a CAPTCHA form.
I am reading materials online about CAPTCHA but adding it to the site is turning out to be a little more difficult than I originally hoped for. I was reading a previous post from SAM about how to pick programming languages and I realized, I am probably not finding the right info because I do not know how to identify the language. I'm also lost because I know what I want to do (or need to do) but I do not know how to correctly describe it to Google.
Is there a guide that will help me determine the language or something that can show me a step by step tutorial how I can add a CAPTCHA to our forms? This all makes me realize that Wordpress is a piece of cake!
RE: We now have Ads!
This is fun news! I'd love to check out the ads and see if Waterford can test one or two or more out!
RE: Water solutions for your home
Water softeners are a perfect discussion for the Water Closet!
RE: Happy National Breadstick Day
Is it a coincidence that National Bread Stick Day and Singles day fall on the same day? Bread sticks make all things better!
I'll be holding my bread basket tonight
RE: MangoCon 2016 NYS
@Minion-Queen said:
Vendors aren't willing to take part for under 100 (the ones we want to spend $$)
I do like the intimacy of a smaller show. The quality of conversations you have with people can have a lot of value in them. We had a meeting to day discussing our trade show/events for the coming year. Hopefully we can nail down the month at least so I can make sure it is reserved for the show.
So far it sounded positive that Waterford Tech will be there.
RE: The Great MangoLassi Grilled Cheese Throwdown
Mine would never make it in to a competition because I'd eat my entry. I'm even horrible at Food Porn pics because I eat it as soon as it touches down! No time to pull out the phone, get the right lights and angle. GET IN MY BELLY! Only exception to make me pause is when waiting for everyone to get their food.
RE: Binghamton MangoCon Research
@scottalanmiller said:
They are becoming a major cause of death too, which is bizarre. In NYC you see the tourists with them everywhere. They are actually useful for a lot of things, though. I have the GoPro one.
This is true, they do have many uses. I got one for my birthday a little while ago and it works great to open and close the vents in my room and bathroom. "I have the power!", exclaimed short me in the morning.
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@Son-of-Jor-El said:
Hey, guys!!! @JessWaterfordTech recommended me to this place, so here I am. At another site, I am Jeff6586. I figured I would change it up a bit
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Just got a chai tea latte with 2 espresso shots. Never tried chai tea. It's pretty good.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller @RojoLoco It's called a Dirty Chai. I had it hot so I guess it's a Hot and Dirty Chai. The 2 shots were to give it a little kick. Has plenty of steamed milk in it because it's a latte.
RE: No Facebook - 30 Days. Go
@JaredBusch Love this!!! I just got engaged to a Japanese Hawaiian man. His family is mainly Japanese speaking so I would like to learn and understand better.
I believe a picture like this is in my future since his mother has been hinting at it.
RE: MangoCon Venue Research
@scottalanmiller I'm hoping so! I have my passport now too so Nicaragua isn't out of the question for me
When is the anticipated date for MangoCon?
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Hi everyone! I'm new here. My Gravatar has not updated yet but maybe you might recognize me as the helpful chick from Waterford Tech. I'm always happy to help as well as learn more from the community. Can't wait to jump in!!!
RE: For those times when you need a really big portable salad
This reminds me of when McDonald's used to have their shaker salads. I loved those things. This leads me to believe I would love this bucket of salad. I almost hit my forehead leaning in to the screen to see what's in it.
It's been a long, hungry day.
RE: What days work best for you?
Wednesday through Friday, so I can "travel" on Tuesday and hang out with the early birds! Then closing ceremonies on Saturday.
RE: Physical Activities?
Depending on where you live shapes what activities you have available. I live in Southern California so it's usually outdoor weather all the time (tiny bit of rain here and there).
I coach and play indoor volleyball so weather is hardly an issue. I moved to a place where a lot of restaurants and markets are within walking/biking distance. The beach is a 5 mile bike ride away too. Yoga and special dance classes are another thing on my list just to keep me moving and active. Your body has to stay busy! -
RE: Help learning how to add CAPTCHA to contact forms
@scottalanmiller YUP! I'm back
Struggling just a little bit and trying to expand my knowledge within the world of IT. @BRRABill yes it is not Wordpress
RE: Learning to program
Code Academy or Treehouse is another good one. I've used this one and its easy to learn from. Code Academy I believe is free (signed up just haven't used). Treehouse is about $25/month