You don't know JS free open source book series is probably one of the best resources too. It explains how JS works, other than explaining how to program it in a nice way.
I think that if someone understand well how a programming language works, then he should know how to program it in the proper way, no?

Best posts made by Giggiux
RE: Nine Resources for Learning JavaScript from
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
If I understood the concept of this topic (just writing what are we doing, without connection with the previous posts):
I'm trying to find a good name for my IntelliJ Plugin (which appears to be my bachelor thesis as well) that does Real Time Code Quality Assessment as Compared to other OSS.
For now, the best I found are:ACQUARTIC - Assessment of Code QUAlity Real Time Comparison
QUARTIC - QUality Assessment Real TIme Comparison
CQART (pronounced Kart) - Code Quality Assessment Real Time
CLARET - Code quaLity Assessment REal Time -
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@Giggiux said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
If I understood the concept of this topic (just writing what are we doing, without connection with the previous posts):
I'm trying to find a good name for my IntelliJ Plugin (which appears to be my bachelor thesis as well) that does Real Time Code Quality Assessment as Compared to other OSS.
For now, the best I found are:ACQUARTIC - Assessment of Code QUAlity Real Time Comparison
QUARTIC - QUality Assessment Real TIme Comparison
CQART (pronounced Kart) - Code Quality Assessment Real Time
CLARET - Code quaLity Assessment REal TimeIn the end I choose:
RETICULA: REal TIme Code qUaLity AssessmentNow I'm going to study for next week exams
RE: What Are You Watching Now
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Silicon Valley Season 4