Thanks. Hello to all. I'm familiar with a few of the names I see here from the spiceworks community.

Posts made by dukeofkanabec
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
RE: Windows 10 Hyper-V Impact on Gaming
I recently read one of your posts on spiceworks and thus watched your video which explained how Hyper-V is a still a type 1 hypervisor even when installed as a role within the OS and how it then virtualizes the 'host OS' and transparently runs it within Hyper-V. Very interesting and enlightening.
This caused me to wonder about gaming on that OS. I had tried gaming in VMs on type 2 hypervisors before and found the performance awful or even completely unusable.
I have a spare win10 pro box that I mostly use for casual gaming or browsing, and had put hyper-V on it mostly to host a minecraft server to play around on with my nephew. It still works fine for minecraft, and other not too demanding games that I use on that box- I hadn't noticed a difference, but haven't bench-marked at all either.
My 'main' box is still Win7 and I have recently put a decent-ish video card in it (GTX1060) for games. I do run a few testing VMs on it in Virtualbox. I have considered upgrading it to 10 and doing the VMs in Hyper-V and upon learning that this would virtualize my host OS, I wondered how much of a penalty I would suffer, or if it would be unfeasible.
Web Searching this topic lead me to this post on your blog. So, your spiceworks post lead me to your video, which lead to a question, which lead to a search, which lead to your blog, haha!
Other search results on the question varied wildly. From some saying negligible effect, to some claiming frame-rates of like 80% less.
I would be very interested to read how your testing of the matter went.