Posting sans text so that it can't be searched. Should be totally public in a few hours, that's hundreds of people announced to. But in case people here didn't know or see it.

Posts made by caramel
RE: Miscellaneous Tech News
RE: Should SodiumSuite Be Open Source
Maybe what this thread is trying to say is that an open source RMM is something that the world is looking for and people would want to use, and that potentially people would be interested in supporting from a "helping with code" perspective?
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
@scottalanmiller said in Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play:
Lots of Sims 4 here tonight.
Did you get the Pet pack? Does it have horses?
RE: Windows Agent acting up.
@black3dynamite said in Windows Agent acting up.:
You should be using command prompt instead of powershell to run that command.
It's always the simple things.
RE: HP Possible pulling a Lenovo with Stealthy spyware?
Oh HP, what were you thinking?
RE: What Are You Drinking
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Drinking:
I'm trying to kill a box of wine before we travel again. We are still in Houston. But going back to Dallas tomorrow.
Good idea!