@IRJ said in Helpdesk - PC replacement routines:

@scottalanmiller said in Helpdesk - PC replacement routines:

@IRJ said in Helpdesk - PC replacement routines:

The Helpdesk team exists to be a human shield for users. Your main job is keep users away from the rest of IT. Customer service and user support is the job. Since your Helpdesk should be made up of entry level with fair turnover, I'm not sure you're gonna ever be efficient nor is that really the goal.

I started in Helpdesk as did many others I've met in higher IT positions. The employees that you have that are really good are not meant to stay there too long. If your company doesn't have the foresite to promote top performers, they will just leave and go somewhere else.

The TLDR is Helpdesk is supposed to be a a human shield for IT. It should be a starting place for aspiring IT professionals, and if they are knowledgeable enough to improve these processes they won't be around long (one way or another).

That said, some people like the interaction and choose to stay there. But that's not the norm. But even then, it's a customer service role for sure and "performance" will always be difficult. In fact, you might dislike performance if it means less human interactions with end users.

Yep. I've seen it. There's one guy that I worked with that just loved everything about Helpdesk. Far more capable than the desk. He could be working with servers, cloud, etc. He just decided he loved what he was doing and stayed there for many years. I kept in touch for many years beyond us working together and he was always there. Big fish in little pond so to speak, and I think he likes that.

We've had staff like that. Pure gold if you find them. Someone actually happy with "what they are doing."