3 Ways to Sell Clients on the Benefits of Managed Services
The managed services space is growing, and many businesses are well aware of the offerings provided by managed services providers (MSPs).
For example, CompTIA's "Fourth Annual Trends in Managed Services Study," released earlier this year, revealed more than two-thirds of companies said they used the services of an outside IT firm within the past 12 months. The study also showed that slightly more than half of respondents said they were "very familiar" with the concept of managed services, while another 40 percent said they were somewhat familiar.
"While one-time projects account for some of these engagements, a significant portion is ongoing management of one or more IT functions by a managed services provider," CompTIA Senior Director of Industry Analysis Carolyn April said. "There is a much higher degree of familiarity with the term 'managed services' and greater adoption."Many businesses want managed services, and as an MSP, it is important to educate your customers about the services you provide. In addition, a successful MSP must be able to explain how its services benefit a business - that way, a company can understand and optimize its return on investment (ROI) in an MSP's offerings.
So what does it take to educate your customers about the benefits of managed services? Here are three tips to help you explain how your services work and how they can help your clients: