Want to see Cryptolocker in action from the safety of your own home?
We're doing a webinar with a demo of how it work:
Ransomware is a true plague for today’s industry. Unfortunately this type of cybercrime seems to pay off: it has been said that the creators of the notorious CryptoLocker virus approximately earned $30 million. This financial aspect plus the recently leaked CryptoLocker source code could explain increasingly sophisticated ransomware arising on a regular basis.To give partners a better understanding of this subject Contec B.V. has set up an exclusive ransomware webinar on April 29th and May 13th. By executing a LIVE CryptoLocker infection, an IT security consultant will demonstrate:
- How the virus proceeds after infection
- How an organization can quickly determine the source in case of an infection
- What steps are advisable after an infection
There is a limited number of places available, so register quickly!
Register now:
Very cool. I enjoy abusing virtual machines when I capture a sample of things like this.
Are they going to try to sell me something at the end or is this just an FYI webinar?
Well I'm sure there will be some mention of Webroot