Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scottalanmiller glad you made a note of Colleen. I didn't notice that was her in the back.
@art_of_shred said:
@scottalanmiller glad you made a note of Colleen. I didn't notice that was her in the back.
LOL, hard to remember that she even existed.
@NetworkNerdWifey said:
@Dominica said:
I've seen the teenage pics with the pornstache. We are NOT going there.
@scottalanmiller when someone asks a SAN question.
http://images.christianpost.com/full/66482/orange-is-the-new-black.jpg -
"But my organization needs to invest in this SAN because SAN!" - random post on SW
@scottalanmiller's reaction?
http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/d4/b0/46/d4b04627cd53dda630bae1972e400a1c.jpg -
From now on, @scottalanmiller's new nickname is Mendez or Pornstache. Either one is acceptable.
When @scottalanmiller is walking into a room...
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/16/article-0-1B884EA300000578-632_634x358.jpg -
This is a close second...
https://33.media.tumblr.com/b1482220867507b9eaee09d8449cb47e/tumblr_nakfd4vpv21sbxqyqo1_500.gif -
How I feel when @scottalanmiller doesn't post for a few hours and then he just shows back up online with a fury...
http://38.media.tumblr.com/63c887e2583d629129fbef000ce382c3/tumblr_n6yweiXJI41rzbw53o1_500.gif -
I feel like if @scottalanmiller is Pornstache, @Dominica is very fittingly Dayanara...
http://i.imgur.com/0Pn2LJg.jpg -
To be honest, @Dominica and Dayanara have fairly similar personalities...at least in a lot of ways...
man crush?