Random Thread - Anything Goes
As I have nowhere to scream my complaints at the heavens
1yr ago: hey, exchange 2003 sucks, we should fix that
client: hell yeah, do it
us: that'll be $$$$$$
client: I want what you're smoking! hahahaha no. Our email works fine.
today: hey, office 2013 for ya.......
you can imagine how the rest of that went yourself.
Never a dull moment around here

Edit: seems pics are broken. that should be a screen cap of my porn alert going off
@MattSpeller said:
As I have nowhere to scream my complaints at the heavens
1yr ago: hey, exchange 2003 sucks, we should fix that
client: hell yeah, do it
us: that'll be $$$$$$
client: I want what you're smoking! hahahaha no. Our email works fine.
today: hey, office 2013 for ya.......
you can imagine how the rest of that went yourself.
Have you looked at Zimbra or alternative mail servers? Or is this a "We need Exchange because... Microsoft" Client?
@coliver we need on premises mail for the client because of Canadian HIPPA-esque rules.
@MattSpeller said:
@coliver we need on premises mail for the client because of Canadian HIPPA-esque rules.
Yep, Zimbra is on premise.
@MattSpeller said:
@coliver we need on premises mail for the client because of Canadian HIPPA-esque rules.
Zimbra IS on premise (normally.)
@coliver Interesting, will investigate
@MattSpeller said:
@coliver Interesting, will investigate
I think you will need the enterprise version for Outlook integration. Although that may have changed from the last time I looked into it.
@scottalanmiller @coliver anyone know what kinda pricing they have? that'll be the primary driver
@MattSpeller said:
@scottalanmiller @coliver anyone know what kinda pricing they have? that'll be the primary driver
FOSS. The community edition is free and open source. There are some paid additions though.
@MattSpeller said:
@scottalanmiller @coliver anyone know what kinda pricing they have? that'll be the primary driver
We've always used it for free.
Thank you both! I will have to have a look at it in depth.
We used Zimbra for years before going to a hosted solution. It was great.
And the police wonder why people don't like them. We can record you. But you record and you are suspicious..
Halp! I haz no signalz on ma WhyFy!
This is definitely not how @dominica uses her whiskey...