XenServer gave error I'm not familiar with
Anyone got this error before and how to resolve it? I have rebooted and determined it's gotta be something with the SDB1 (which is my flash drive). I guess its a FS error? Are there kinda way I can fix this? -
Here's another photo of what I found. I am thinking that basically I just need to replace the flash drive and reinstall xenserver. Any thoughts? -
Maybe stop using USB drives for things they aren't designed for?
It looks like we've been down this road before.
https://mangolassi.it/topic/20070/so-xen-server-gave-me-an-error-what-do-i-doA small SSD would do better. Something with write endurance and something that is designed to attached 24/7 in a hot environment.
If you don't have drive bays or don't want to waste them, use satadom.
Actually sir that is what they are designed for. However, that old post is not "this post" and isn't the "same error". If you read the old post you would have come to that conclusion. If it was the same error, I would have obviously started back where this left off. Respectfully stick to the current post unless you have some helpful information.
@krisleslie while I may agree with you on using an SSD, there isn't a point as each are storage mediums. The host loads most of the data in ram which again means kinda doesn't matter the device unless you start talking about usb 2 and usb 1 devices. I use usb 3 which doesn't have any problems with previous-generation tech. Lastly, as far as I recall all storage mediums break unless things have changed...
@krisleslie said in XenServer gave error I'm not familiar with:
@krisleslie while I may agree with you on using an SSD, there isn't a point as each are storage mediums. The host loads most of the data in ram which again means kinda doesn't matter the device unless you start talking about usb 2 and usb 1 devices. I use usb 3 which doesn't have any problems with previous-generation tech. Lastly, as far as I recall all storage mediums break unless things have changed...
Quote error?
@krisleslie said in XenServer gave error I'm not familiar with:
@krisleslie while I may agree with you on using an SSD, there isn't a point as each are storage mediums. The host loads most of the data in ram which again means kinda doesn't matter the device unless you start talking about usb 2 and usb 1 devices. I use usb 3 which doesn't have any problems with previous-generation tech. Lastly, as far as I recall all storage mediums break unless things have changed...
What you're forgetting is the HUGE AMOUNT of random writes done to /var/log on XenServer/Xen/KVM/etc. USB drives just aren't meant to handle that many writes.
@travisdh1 said in XenServer gave error I'm not familiar with:
done to /var/log on XenServer/Xen/KVM/etc. USB drives just aren't meant to handle that many writes.
If it takes 5 years to kill a flash drive, that is totally fine by me. How would that be any different than a HDD or SSD? Not much. For the record, I've had errors on all 3 mediums. Which again I might add, you all are deviating away from my question for help.
@krisleslie said in XenServer gave error I'm not familiar with:
in means kinda doesn't matter the device unless you start talking about usb 2 and usb 1 devices. I
If the logs are that big of a deal they can be remotely done, problem solved.... That doesn't still explain the issue at hand and how to fix that issue, not the stuff that aint got nothing to do with what I'm asking for help on.
@krisleslie Replace the the thumb drive like you did last time. Problem (temporarily) solved!
Gotcha, however, based on the error message I got, how would you fix that error specifically?
I would reread the thread from last year to refresh my memory on how I previously solved the same issue.
I would read any notes that I created a year ago when I replaced the faulty USB drive
Next I would replace the USB drive with the clone that I previously created
Finally I would restore my recent metadata backup
Did your flash drive ran out of space?
@black3dynamite said in XenServer gave error I'm not familiar with:
Did your flash drive ran out of space?
Not sure if it did as it's unreadable as far as I can tell.
@Danp I've gotta XenServer reinstalled without issue, the problem is now attaching the PBD back as a SR. Yes I followed the same instructions even though its not the same error it's in the neighborhood basically so yes that was done and everything was working fine until I key in the last command.
[root@xenserver-mkaxflql ~]# xe pbd-plug uuid=fd7da8a5-4b75-43f8-e5c1-7cda7d0de0a3
Error parameters: , The SR is not available [opterr=no such volume group: VG_XenStorage-1822f95a-b8b5-ef0a-401f-48b973b92156],
[root@xenserver-mkaxflql ~]# -
[root@xenserver-mkaxflql ~]# vgdisplay
--- Volume group ---
VG Name XSLocalEXT-1822f95a-b8b5-ef0a-401f-48b973b92156
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 2
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 1
Open LV 0
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 3.64 TiB
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 953597
Alloc PE / Size 953597 / 3.64 TiB
Free PE / Size 0 / 0
VG UUID YPKsQi-zw0a-9nRL-jkmW-dcgI-RSIj-voSN08 -
Technically the only thing I can think of is maybe the format is wrong on how I executing the commands. It's an EXT4 as far as I'm aware since I used thin provisioning. Which I'm moving away from it's too much of a pain in the ass.
@krisleslie said in XenServer gave error I'm not familiar with:
Technically the only thing I can think of is maybe the format is wrong on how I executing the commands. It's an EXT4 as far as I'm aware since I used thin provisioning. Which I'm moving away from it's too much of a pain in the ass.
Starting with XCP-ng 8.1, Ext4 is the default EXT filesystem for local SR unless you manually configured the previous version to use Ext4 then you should be using Ext3.
Hell i missed something. Tried to use xoa to attach the raid and it nuked it with no warning or notice. Lost a bunch of vms only one was needed my file server. But now I just went home. Hell -_- frustrated beyond belief.
I also attached it as a ext3 because the directions said lvm, that got me further but still have 1 error when attaching. Iām frustrated upset and all the above.
@black3dynamite good catch on 8.1 but i tried 8.0. In pissed even more so because the metadata backup basically was useless. Had 10 versions none worked without errror.