Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity
Hey y'all,
I'm looking to throw together a script that looks at Active Directory users that are a member of a specific group and if their last logon was, say, 30 days or longer, disables the account.
Has anyone put together such a thing? If so, a point in the right direction would be yugely appreciated!
EDIT: I originally specified OU when I meant group. Sorry!!
I can't directly answer your question.. but in part you will likely want to use something like this in PowerShell.
To get all user objects who have not logged on since January 1, 2007, use the following commands: $logonDate = New-Object System.DateTime(2007, 1, 1) Get-ADUser -filter { lastLogon -le $logonDate }
@gjacobse This is a starting point for sure. Thank you!
OK! I think I threw together something that will do what I want!
import-module activedirectory $disableList = @(get-adgroupmember 'DisableMeNao' | select -expandproperty SamAccountName) $expiration = (get-date).adddays(-30) foreach ($acct in $disableList) { $lastLogon = get-aduser $acct -properties lastlogondate | select -expandproperty lastlogondate if ($lastLogon -lt $expiration) { echo "$acct's last logon was more than 30 days ago. Account has been disabled." disable-adaccount -identity $acct } }
@anthonyh said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
OK! I think I threw together something that will do what I want!
import-module activedirectory $disableList = @(get-adgroupmember 'DisableMeNao' | select -expandproperty SamAccountName) $expiration = (get-date).adddays(-30) foreach ($acct in $disableList) { $lastLogon = get-aduser $acct -properties lastlogondate | select -expandproperty lastlogondate if ($lastLogon -lt $expiration) { echo "$acct's last logon was more than 30 days ago. Account has been disabled." disable-adaccount -identity $acct } }
/me passes you a hard hat and puts one on myself.
Slight improvement
$adGroup = "DisableMeNao" $days = "30" ##### import-module activedirectory $disableList = @(get-adgroupmember $adGroup | select -expandproperty SamAccountName) $expiration = (get-date).adddays(-$days) foreach ($acct in $disableList) { $lastLogon = get-aduser $acct -properties lastlogondate | select -expandproperty lastlogondate if ($lastLogon -lt $expiration) { echo "$acct's last logon was more than $days days ago. Account has been disabled." disable-adaccount -identity $acct } }
I might even turn the two variables into parameters so they are specified when executing the script. -Group 'DisableMeNao' -Days '30'
Same here - take care. Last logon normally won't be synced between DCs. You need to loop through
results and query each DC individually. -
Ok, another improvement. Parameter-ized the variables. You would run it like so:
script.ps1 -group 'AD Group' -days 8675309 -test NO
If days isn't specified the default is 30. If "-test NO" is not specified, it will print the eligible accounts but not disable them.
param ( [string]$group, [string]$days = 30, [string]$test = "y" ) if ( -not ($group)) { $scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name echo "Group parameter missing." echo "Script usage: $scriptName -group `'AD Group`' -days 30 -test NO" echo "If `"-days`" isn't specified the default is 30." echo "If `"-test NO`" isn't specified, no changes will be made." exit } ##### echo "Disabling accounts in group $group that have no logged in for more than $days day(s)." if ( $test -ne "NO") { echo "Running in **TEST** mode. No changes will be made!" } import-module activedirectory $disableList = @(get-adgroupmember $group | select -expandproperty SamAccountName) $expiration = (get-date).adddays(-$days) foreach ($acct in $disableList) { $lastLogon = get-aduser $acct -properties lastlogondate | select -expandproperty lastlogondate if ($lastLogon -lt $expiration) { echo "$acct's last logon was more than $days days ago. Account selected to be disabled." if ($test -eq "NO") { disable-adaccount -identity $acct echo "$acct disabled" } } }
@thwr said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
Same here - take care. Last logon normally won't be synced between DCs. You need to loop through
results and query each DC individually.I will look into this. Thanks!
@anthonyh said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
@thwr said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
Same here - take care. Last logon normally won't be synced between DCs. You need to loop through
results and query each DC individually.I will look into this. Thanks!
There's a couple of attributes that won't be synced. There isn't a complete list, AFAIK, but badLogonCount is another example.
@anthonyh said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
@thwr said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
Same here - take care. Last logon normally won't be synced between DCs. You need to loop through
results and query each DC individually.I will look into this. Thanks!
Looks like I need to use LastLogontimestamp as this is replicated among DCs.
@anthonyh said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
@anthonyh said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
@thwr said in Active Directory - Disable users in a group after an elapsed time of inactivity:
Same here - take care. Last logon normally won't be synced between DCs. You need to loop through
results and query each DC individually.I will look into this. Thanks!
Looks like I need to use LastLogontimestamp as this is replicated among DCs.
Fixed! Now using lastLogonTimestamp.
param ( [string]$group, [string]$days = 30, [string]$test = "y" ) if ( -not ($group)) { $scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name echo "Group parameter missing." echo "Script usage: $scriptName -group `'AD Group`' -days 30 -test NO" echo "If `"-days`" isn't specified the default is 30." echo "If `"-test NO`" isn't specified, no changes will be made." exit } echo "Disabling accounts in group $group that have no logged in for more than $days day(s)." if ( $test -ne "NO") { echo "Running in **TEST** mode. No changes will be made!" } import-module activedirectory $disableList = @(get-adgroupmember $group | select -expandproperty SamAccountName) $expiration = (get-date).adddays(-$days) foreach ($acct in $disableList) { $lastLogonTS = get-aduser $acct -properties lastlogontimestamp | select -expandproperty lastlogontimestamp $lastLogon = [datetime]::FromFileTime($lastLogonTS) if ($lastLogon -lt $expiration) { echo "$acct's last logon was on $lastLogon which was more than $days days ago and is eligible for deactivation." if ($test -eq "NO") { disable-adaccount -identity $acct echo "$acct disabled" } } }
Another revision.
Added logic for when "lastlogontimestamp" does not exist. This indicates the account has never logged in. So now if "lastlogontimestamp" doesn't exist it checks the account's creation date and disables the account if the creation date is past the expiration threshold.
Also added basic email reporting.
param ( [string]$group, [string]$days = 30, [string]$test = "y" ) # This script will search AD for eligible accounts to disable if they have either # 1) never logged in and are older than the expration, or 2) if the last login is older than the expiration. $emailAddrTo = "" $emailAddrFrom = "" $emailSMTP = "" $logStart = get-date -format g $hostName = $env:COMPUTERNAME $scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $log = "$scriptPath\$scriptName.log" $delimitedList = "$scriptPath\$scriptName.delimited.txt" # If the group parameter is not specified, throw an error and short script usage example. if ( -not ($group)) { echo "Group parameter missing." echo "Script usage: $scriptName -group `'AD Group`' -days 30 -test NO" echo "If `"-days`" isn't specified the default is 30." echo "If `"-test NO`" isn't specified, no changes will be made." exit } echo "Disabling accounts in group $group that have no logged in for more than $days day(s)." if ( $test -ne "NO") { echo "Running in **TEST** mode. No changes will be made!" } import-module activedirectory # Select AD accounts based on group parameter if ( $group -eq "All") { echo "Group All specified, grabbing all Active Directory users" $disableList = @(get-aduser -filter * | select -expandproperty SamAccountName) } else { echo "Grabbing Active Directory users that are a member of $group" $disableList = @(get-adgroupmember $group | select -expandproperty SamAccountName) } # Set expiration threshold based on days parameter $expiration = (get-date).adddays(-$days) # Define arrays to log eligible accounts $noLogons = @() $expiredLogons = @() # Loop through accounts foreach ($acct in $disableList) { # Reset $lastLogonTS to accomodate for null results. $lastLogonTS = '' echo "Processing account $acct" # Get user's distinguished name $acctDN = get-aduser $acct -properties distinguishedname | select -expandproperty distinguishedname # Check if account is disabled. If disabled, skip account. $isEnabled = get-aduser $acct -properties enabled | select -expandproperty enabled if ( $isEnabled -eq $false) { echo "$acct is already disabled, skipping." } else { # Get the last logon timestamp for user. If user has no timestamp, this will error (which means user has never logged in) $lastLogonTS = get-aduser $acct -properties lastlogontimestamp | select -expandproperty lastlogontimestamp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # If last logon timestamp does not exist, check when the account was created. If the account is older than the threshold, disable. if (!$lastLogonTS) { $acctCreation = get-aduser $acct -properties whencreated | select -expandproperty whencreated if ( $acctCreation -lt $expiration) { echo "$acct has no recorded login and was created more than $days ago (created $acctCreation) which makes it eligible for deactivation." if ($test -eq "NO") { disable-adaccount -identity $acct echo "$acct disabled" $noLogons += "$acct | $acctDN | Created: $acctCreation" } else { $noLogons += "$acct | $acctDN | Created: $acctCreation | TEST ONLY" } } } else { # Convert last logon timestamp from file time to date time $lastLogon = [datetime]::FromFileTime($lastLogonTS) # If last logon timestamp is older than the threshold, disable account. if ($lastLogon -lt $expiration) { echo "$acct's last logon was more than $days days ago ($lastLogon) and is eligible for deactivation." if ($test -eq "NO") { disable-adaccount -identity $acct echo "$acct disabled" $expiredLogons += "$acct | $acctDN | Last Logon: $lastLogon" } else { $expiredLogons += "$acct | $acctDN | Last Logon: $lastLogon | TEST ONLY" } } } } } # Compile report # Start log file $logEnd = get-date -format g write-output "Log for $scriptName`r`nExecuted on $hostName`r`nScript started $logStart`r`nScript ended $logEnd`r`n" | out-file $log # Generate list of users removed from group, if any. if (!$noLogons) { write-output "Accounts older than $days days with no logon were not found (this is good!).`r`n" | out-file -append $log } else { write-output "The following accounts have been disabled because they are older than $days days and have never been used:" | out-file -append $log write-output $noLogons | out-file -append $log write-output "" | out-file -append $log } # Generate list of users added to the group, if any. if (!$expiredLogons) { write-output "Accounts with the last logon older than $days days were not found (yay!)." | out-file -append $log } else { write-output "The following accounts have been disabled because their last logon was more than $days days ago:" | out-file -append $log write-output $expiredLogons | out-file -append $log } # Dump account information to text file to be attached to the email. write-output $noLogons | out-file $delimitedList write-output $expiredLogons | out-file -append $delimitedList # Send log to $emailAddr if variable is set. if (!$emailAddrTo) { write-output "`r`nNo email address specified, no report sent." | out-file -append $log } else { $emailBody = get-content -path $log | out-string send-mailmessage -from "$hostName <$emailAddrFrom>" -to $emailAddrTo -subject "$scriptName Report" -body $emailBody -smtpserver $emailSMTP -attachments $delimitedList }