Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands
Just to be clear, an rsync with a --delete flag cannot be a backup. That's a replica but not a backup. Any data lost on the source will automatically disappear on the replicant.
can i use this command for rsync with same permissions from source to destination
" rsync -rvp --stats --delete /mnt/volumes/ root@ipaddress::bkpvolumes"
"rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/volumes/ root@ipaddress::bkpvolumes "my zpool volumes have windows permissions in both source and destination. it is impact for convert read only files when rsync process running time?
@Ghani said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
can i use this command for rsync with same permissions from source to destination
"rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/volumes/ root@ipaddress::bkpvolumes "
Yes, that should work fine.
If you've never used it, explainshell is awesome...
ok i will check this commands
rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/volumes/ root@ipaddress::bkpvolumes
And revert back to you
@scottalanmiller said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
"rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/v
a for archiever
v for verbose
z for compress ??? so which flags take care of same permissions from source to destination . -
@Ghani said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
@scottalanmiller said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
"rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/v
a for archiever
v for verbose
z for compress ??? so which flags take care of same permissions from source to destination .archiver
@scottalanmiller said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
"a" archiever will do copy same windows permissions from source to destination. ???
@Ghani Read the manual...
@Ghani said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
And revert back to you
Don't use "revert" back, you mean "reply" back. Revert means something totally different and is extremely dangerous to misuse in IT. I've seen big Fortune 100 banks blow away critical systems because a manager used "revert" instead of "reply".
"Revert back to me" literally means "turn back into me." That's clearly wrong, so we know the sentence is just a mistake.
But if you said "do an action on a system and revert back" it literally means to make a change then blow the change away as if it had never happened. And doesn't imply that they should tell you about it. So you'd never know that anything had been done.
Like if you said "Change the oil in my car and revert" it would mean to change the oil... then take the new oil out and put your old bad oil back in again. People think that this sounds strange, but in IT we do reversion all the time for testing purposes. So it is totally expected to be heard and is totally unrelated to reply so people have no idea what is intended.
@Ghani said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
@scottalanmiller said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
"a" archiever will do copy same windows permissions from source to destination. ???
-a, --archive
This is equivalent to -rlptgoD. It is a quick way of saying you want recursion and want to
preserve almost everything (with -H being a notable omission). -
-r, --recursive
This tells rsync to copy directories recursively. See also --dirs (-d).Beginning with rsync 3.0.0, the recursive algorithm used is now an incremental scan that uses much less memory than before and begins the transfer after the scanning of the first few directories have been completed. This incremental scan only affects our recursion algorithm, and does not change a non-recursive transfer. It is also only possible when both ends of the transfer are at least version 3.0.0. Some options require rsync to know the full file list, so these options disable the incremental recursion mode. These include: --delete-before, --delete-after, --prune-empty-dirs, and --delay-updates. Because of this, the default delete mode when you specify --delete is now --delete-during when both ends of the connection are at least 3.0.0 (use --del or --delete-during to request this improved deletion mode explicitly). See also the --delete-delay option that is a better choice than using --delete-after. Incremental recursion can be disabled using the --no-inc-recursive option or its shorter --no-i-r alias.
-l, --links
When symlinks are encountered, recreate the symlink on the destination.-p, --perms
This option causes the receiving rsync to set the destination permissions to be the same as the
source permissions. (See also the --chmod option for a way to modify what rsync considers to be
the source permissions.)When this option is off, permissions are set as follows: o Existing files (including updated files) retain their existing permissions, though the --executability option might change just the execute permission for the file. o New files get their "normal" permission bits set to the source file’s permissions masked with the receiving directory’s default permissions (either the receiving process’s umask, or the permissions specified via the destination directory’s default ACL), and their special permission bits disabled except in the case where a new directory inherits a setgid bit from its parent directory. Thus, when --perms and --executability are both disabled, rsync’s behavior is the same as that of other file-copy utilities, such as cp(1) and tar(1). In summary: to give destination files (both old and new) the source permissions, use --perms. To give new files the destination-default permissions (while leaving existing files unchanged), make sure that the --perms option is off and use --chmod=ugo=rwX (which ensures that all non-masked bits get enabled). If you’d care to make this latter behavior easier to type, you could define a popt alias for it, such as putting this line in the file ~/.popt (the following defines the -Z option, and includes --no-g to use the default group of the destination dir): rsync alias -Z --no-p --no-g --chmod=ugo=rwX You could then use this new option in a command such as this one: rsync -avZ src/ dest/ (Caveat: make sure that -a does not follow -Z, or it will re-enable the two "--no-*" options mentioned above.) The preservation of the destination’s setgid bit on newly-created directories when --perms is off was added in rsync 2.6.7. Older rsync versions erroneously preserved the three special permission bits for newly-created files when --perms was off, while overriding the destination’s setgid bit setting on a newly-created directory. Default ACL observance was added to the ACL patch for rsync 2.6.7, so older (or non-ACL-enabled) rsyncs use the umask even if default ACLs are present. (Keep in mind that it is the version of the receiving rsync that affects these behaviors.)
-t, --times
This tells rsync to transfer modification times along with the files and update them on the remote
system. Note that if this option is not used, the optimization that excludes files that have not
been modified cannot be effective; in other words, a missing -t or -a will cause the next transfer
to behave as if it used -I, causing all files to be updated (though rsync’s delta-transfer
algorithm will make the update fairly efficient if the files haven’t actually changed, you’re much
better off using -t).-g, --group
This option causes rsync to set the group of the destination file to be the same as the source
file. If the receiving program is not running as the super-user (or if --no-super was specified),
only groups that the invoking user on the receiving side is a member of will be preserved.
Without this option, the group is set to the default group of the invoking user on the receiving
side.The preservation of group information will associate matching names by default, but may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances (see also the --numeric-ids option for a full discussion).
-o, --owner
This option causes rsync to set the owner of the destination file to be the same as the source
file, but only if the receiving rsync is being run as the super-user (see also the --super and
--fake-super options). Without this option, the owner of new and/or transferred files are set to
the invoking user on the receiving side.The preservation of ownership will associate matching names by default, but may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances (see also the --numeric-ids option for a full discussion).
-D The -D option is equivalent to --devices --specials.
@scottalanmiller said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
p, --perms
This option causes the receiving rsync to set the destination permissions to be the same as the
source permissions. (See also the --chmod option for a way to modify what rsync considers to be
the source permissions.)Dear Team,
Based on our discussion , i using below rsync commands ,
rsync -rvp --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@
rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@ -arzp --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@
source : /mnt/testvol/
destination : /mnt/testvolbkp/ = freenas module name is "test"Note : In source server zpool is " testvol" . I assigned permissions on testvol is windows permissions [ VMWARELAB\Administrator] and [ VMWARELAB\domain admins ] .
In destination server zpool is " testvolbkp" . I assigned permissions on testvol is windows permissions [ VMWARELAB\Administrator] and [ VMWARELAB\domain admins ] . And created rsync module name is "test" login is user : root /wheel.
For your reference, i attached screenshots.
@Ghani said in Inside a datasets all files are copying read only files and how to change full controll permissions using commands:
rsync -rvp --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@
rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@
rsync -arzp --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@ have a feeling you didn't read what I posted. All three of these do overlapping things. r, v and p are inclusive in a like I showed above. So you are testing the same thing over and over again. Why not stick to avz?
Dear Friend,
I have used
rsync -avz --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@ this command. Remains the same error comes.I attached screenshot for your reference.
@Ghani Are you sure that all the same users and options exist at the other location?
Yes ...
I created datasets with same name and assigned same windows permissions in both source and destination freenas. Source server is production server.
Destination server is backup server. using rsync tools for backup.Friends ... i have doubt ?? , we assigned windows user permissions in all datasets. But we using rsync with root user login .. it happen any issue for permission transfer ?
Try adding -AX to it as well. X is for the extended attributes.
rsync -AX --stats --delete /mnt/testvol/ root@ like this ???
Add AX to what you had before.