Using BackBlaze B2 from Ubuntu 16.04 to Upload Files
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip $ sudo pip install --upgrade pip $ sudo pip install --upgrade b2
This gives us the b2 command on Ubuntu. Now we can use this to talk to the B2 servers.
$ b2 authorize_account youraccountid Using Backblaze application key: yourapplicationkeythatyougenerate $ b2 list_buckets
This will list all of your current buckets. If you need to make a new bucket:
$ b2 create_bucket myBucket allPublic 10f72c8d00b1ea614ceb0319
What is returned is the bucket ID. Use your b2 list_buckets command again to see that your list has grown. We can use b2 ls to see that our bucket is empty, too.
$ b2 ls myBucket
Now that we have a bucket we can upload a file to it.
$ b2 upload_file myBucket system.bak backups/system.bak
That's it!