@Carnival-Boy said:

@thanksajdotcom said:

Again, I like helping people. Most people view someone who constantly corrects someone as haughty or kind of a jackass. @scottalanmiller can back me up on this, but when people with my type of mind correct you, it's to benefit you.

If you look like a jackass, smell like a jackass, and sound like a jackass, guess what? You're probably a jackass. Saying "people with my type of mind" is just a cop-out, I don't know why you're name dropping Scott - I don't see him being a jackass.

I name dropped @scottalanmiller because he understands how I think. Most people will constantly correct someone to be condescending. That's not me. I do it because I want to help someone and help them improve. It's the exact opposite motivation as most people. I know most people don't understand that and quite literally have a mental block that means they can't. They are so conditioned to how it is with most of the world.

Still, from a statistical standpoint, people like me and @scottalanmiller are a tiny percentage of the population.