Zimbra Filter rules?
Hi i was wondering if someone has accomplished what im trying to do,
Currently i need to create a filter for all the email users and future users.
I could not find a way on the web console to add that filter without doing one by one,
I did see this commandzmmailbox addFilterRule
but it would be the same way adding one by one so not sure if any more ideas?
Thank you
@killmasta93 Never tried to do Zimbra filters on a global scale like that. No idea if that is possible.
found out how to do itfirst enable headers
zmprov mc default zimbraSieveEditHeaderEnabled TRUE
then create filter
cat /tmp/myfilters require ["fileinto", "reject", "tag", "flag", "editheader"]; #Filter email based on a subject if header :contains "Subject" [ "SPAM" ] { fileinto "Junk"; stop; }
then copy the sieve filters
cat /tmp/myfilters |xargs -0 zmprov md domain.com zimbraAdminSieveScriptBefore
and it works
@killmasta93 BUt did you mover that file to another location or just passed the file to the configuration?
@dbeato the filter moves any subject that has SPAM to the folder junk which adds to all the domains instead of one by one