VMWare PowerCLI to check compliance in v7
A little something for v7 VCenter to use the semi-new Lifecycle Manager.
###### Variables # Change this to your VSphere server name: $viserver = "server" # Change os search base, ex: windows, linux, etc. $os = "windows" # Use your favorite format or leave as is: $date=get-date -format g ###### End Variables try {$vmlist = Get-VM |where {$_.guestid -like "*$($os)*" -and $_.Name -notlike "*replica*"} } catch [VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk.Types.V1.ErrorHandling.VimException.ViServerConnectionException]{ write-host -ForegroundColor red "Error: No VIServer connection present. Please wait..." Connect-VIServer -Server $viserver -verbose:$false -WarningAction 0 $vmlist = Get-VM |where {$_.guestid -like "*$($os)*" -and $_.Name -notlike "*replica*"} } ###### Tools status only $vmout=$vmlist|select Name, @{N="Tools Status";E={ if($_.Guest.Extensiondata.GuestState -eq "notRunning"){ "Not running"} else{ $_.Guest.Extensiondata.ToolsVersionStatus.Replace("guestToolsNeedUpgrade","Out of date").Replace("guestToolsNotInstalled","Not installed").Replace("guestToolsCurrent","OK").Replace("guestToolsUnmanaged","Unmanaged") } }} ###### Get the most up-to-date info by testing the environment $vmlist |Test-Compliance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ###### Display in desired format write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "View in Terminal, Gridview, Excel, Notepad, or quick tools status only?" do {$vmview = (read-host "T/g/e/n/q").ToLower()} while ($vmview -notin @('t','g','e','n',"$($null)","q")) If ($vmview -eq '') {$vmview = 't'} If ($vmview -eq 't') {$vmlist |get-compliance |sort status } If ($vmview -eq 'g') {$vmlist |get-compliance |out-gridview -Title "VM Compliance Status $($date)" } If ($vmview -eq 'e') {$vmlist |get-compliance |export-csv $env:TEMP\vmtools.csv -Force -NoTypeInformation & "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\EXCEL.EXE" $env:TEMP\vmtools.csv } If ($vmview -eq 'n') {$vmlist |get-compliance |export-csv $env:TEMP\vmtools.csv -Force -NoTypeInformation & notepad $env:TEMP\vmtools.csv } If ($vmview -eq 'q') {$vmout |sort "Tools Status",Name }