Who is Eating Mangoes?
@scottalanmiller hahahah I need to have 756 post to reach your post
Well get started then!!
@scottalanmiller hahah I will. I hope = stable Internet.. and no annoying user
PS. I love my user
How fast is your internet speeds there?
@scottalanmiller UP to 4 MBPS
Ouch. I have 50Mb/s at home and 10Gb/s at the office.
@scottalanmiller Wow can I have additional 10 MBPS? haha
One of NTG's founders has 300Mb/a at home in Round Rock, Texas.
@scottalanmiller really? all I can say is wow
@everyone Ugh, living on my own for the first year i am now missing fruit. Note to self: BUY MORE FRUIT.
@lamen go and buy
@Joyfano I will try!!!
@lamen hahaha oh wow its already morning there in few hours so I doubt it, if you can buy
@Joyfano Wait, do you mean fruit? right now it is 01:11 AM Central America at the moment. What is limited to us?
@lamen yes I mean the fruit. That's why I said in few hours . because here is 2:07 PM
@Joyfano Please send us some of your fruit
would love it so much
@Joyfano Don't tease me :{
@lamen I'm not