I'm Back with a ChelPee
Just want to clarify :D. I am not " GAY " haha. It's just that this words are lurking inside our office it means " SELFIE ". Consider it as native dialect haha sorry guys very late response.
@pol.darreljade said:
Just want to clarify :D. I am not " GAY " haha. It's just that this words are lurking inside our office it means " SELFIE ". Consider it as native dialect haha sorry guys very late response.
hahaha Glad your back here. I am sorry hehe
@Joyfano It's fine :D. It's my fault using unnecessary words here. Thank you everyone for welcoming me AGAIN haha.
Welcome back yet again. You disappeared for a few weeks there.
I sense a resemblance here:
@scottalanmiller Yeah, Sorry about that guys. Our Main server was down for 2 weeks and I have to monitor our backup server from time to time because it's so slow not like our main server.
I had a feeling that it was going to be those kinds of trolls.
@pol.darreljade said:
@Joyfano It's fine :D. It's my fault using unnecessary words here. Thank you everyone for welcoming me AGAIN haha.
Next don't do it. haha not easy to explain oppss.
Yeah right ahaha