Booting an image made on another computer - dirty tricks.
This script is for when you do something really dumb like image an old PC and want to boot it on a much newer one with radically different hardware.
A really neat VBScript that's NOT actually a virus! (I was surprised too)
What does this little script do? Why it re-enables all the disabled storage drivers!
If you don't know what to do with the below you probably shouldn't be futzing about with it but if you PM me I'll help you.
No file attachment features here. Text and images only.
@scottalanmiller alright, prepare yourself, here it comes.
@scottalanmiller lol exceeds post length cap
I didn't even know that there WAS a post length cap!
There you go, try now.
This post is deleted! -
'* File: Fix_7hdc.vbs
'* Created: 2011-01-03 by cdob
'* Version: 0.11
'* Purpose:
'* enable installed, but disabled mass storage drivers, e.g. msahci.sys
'* install additional mass storage drivers
'* Runtime environment:
'* Windows 7 installation DVD / USB
'* relating PE
'* used external applications (default integrated at runtime environment)
'* reg.exe, dism.exe, notepad.exe
'*************************************************************************' ------------------------------------------------------------------------
' based on PNPDriverMatch.vbs
' I agree that Microsoft has no warranty, obligations or liability
' for any Sample Application Files.
'<header original file> ==================================================
' Windows Script Host Sample Script
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Copyright (C) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
' the Sample Application Files (and/or any modified version) in any way
' you find useful, provided that you agree that Microsoft has no warranty,
' obligations or liability for any Sample Application Files.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------'********************************************************************
'* File: PNPDriverMatch.vbs
'* Created: 03/06/2006
'* Version: 1.0.2
'* Main Function: VBScipt to examine a folder of Plug & Play drivers,
'* find INF files that have PNP IDs found on the computer,
'* and optionally copy the matching drivers folders to a
'* specified destination folder.
'* Usage: cscript PNPDriverMatch.vbs /folder:folder path
'* [/dest:folder path] [/log:log file path]
'* [/class:class filter] [/provider:provider filter]
'* [/excludeclass] [/excludeprovider] [/q] [/?]
'* Copyright (C) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
'* Revisions:
'* 1.0.0 - 06/22/2005 - Created.
'* 1.0.1 - 03/06/2006 - Updated RegularExpression class. Changed
'* Expang_objDriverFolderDictStringVariables function to use
'* updated MatchText method of the
'* RegularExpression class
'* 1.0.2 - 03/22/2006 - Added EscapeXmlMarkup method to RegularExpression
'* class.
'</header original file> ============================================'********************************************************************
' * Declare Variables
'********************************************************************Option Explicit
'On Error Resume NextDim arrArguments()
Dim blnQuiet
Dim blnExcludeProvider
Dim blnExcludeClass
Dim blnClassOutput
Dim blnProviderOutput
Dim blnEnableDrivers
Dim blnInstallDrivers
Dim blnRestore
Dim blnGuiModeDim colItems
Dim colComputerSystemDim g_objWshShell
Dim g_objWshNetwork
Dim g_objFSO
Dim g_objINI
Dim g_objRegExp
Dim g_objWMIDefault
Dim g_objRegistry
Dim g_objWMIService
Dim g_objPnpIdDict
Dim g_objInfFileDict
Dim g_objFileDict
Dim g_objDriverFolderDict
Dim g_objComputerSystem
Dim g_objInfDismFileDict
Dim g_objShellApp
Dim objFolderItem
Dim objFolderDim i
Dim intOpModeDim Key
Dim lRC
Dim objComputerSystem
Dim objItem
Dim objPNPFolderDim refLogFile
Dim strQuote
Dim strComputer
Dim strComputerName
Dim strPNPFolder
Dim strTargetDrive
Dim strSearchFile
Dim strPNPDeviceID
Dim strDriver
Dim strClass
Dim strClassFilter
Dim strProviderName
Dim strProviderFilter
Dim strLogFile
Dim strOptionsMessage
Dim strDriverParentFolder
Dim strDriverRelativePath
Dim strDriverDestFolder
Dim strDriverDestParentFolder' Define constants
Const CONST_Success = 0
Const CONST_Failure = 1Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
Const strEnumKey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum"
Const strClassKey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class"
Const strServicesKey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services"Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005
Const HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006Const REG_SZ = 1
Const REG_BINARY = 3
Const REG_DWORD = 4
'***** Initialize variables
strComputer = "."
strTargetDrive = ""
strSearchFile = ""
strProviderFilter = ""
strClassFilter = ""
blnExcludeProvider = False
blnExcludeClass = False
blnEnableDrivers = False
blnInstallDrivers = False
blnRestore = False
blnGuiMode = False'********************************************************************
' * Create Objects
'********************************************************************Set g_objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set g_objWshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set g_objWshNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set g_objShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")Set g_objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
Set g_objWMIDefault = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "\root\Default")
Set g_objRegistry = g_objWMIDefault.Get ("StdRegProv")Set g_objPnpIdDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
g_objPnpIdDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXTSet g_objInfFileDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
g_objInfFileDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXTSet g_objDriverFolderDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
g_objDriverFolderDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXT'my addon
'Set g_objFileDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'g_objFileDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXTSet g_objInfDismFileDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
g_objInfDismFileDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXT'added
Dim dHwid, inf_count, objDiskDrives, objDrive
Set g_objDriverFolderDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'g_objDriverFolderDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXT
Set dHwid = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
inf_count = 0'strPNPFolder = g_objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) & "" & g_objWshShell.Environment("Process").Item("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")
strPNPFolder = g_objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) & "" & g_objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%")'********************************************************************
' * Check script host exe and parse command line
If Wscript.arguments.count = 0 Then
blnQuiet = True
'Get the command line arguments
For i = 0 to Wscript.arguments.count - 1
ReDim Preserve arrArguments(i)
arrArguments(i) = Wscript.arguments.item(i)
Next'Parse the command line
intOpMode = intParseCmdLine(arrArguments, strPNPFolder, strTargetDrive, strSearchFile, strLogFile, strClassFilter, strProviderFilter, blnExcludeClass, blnExcludeProvider, blnQuiet, blnEnableDrivers, blnInstallDrivers, blnRestore, strOptionsMessage)If Err.Number Then
Wscript.Echo "Error 0X" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & " occurred in parsing the command line."
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Wscript.Echo "Error description: " & Err.Description & "."
End If
End IfSelect Case intOpMode
Call ShowUsage()
'Do nothing.
Case Else
Wscript.Echo "Error occurred in passing parameters."
End SelectWScript.Echo strOptionsMessage
End If'********************************************************************
'* Main Script
'no command line mode set: enable gui mode
If not blnEnableDrivers And not blnInstallDrivers Then
'Wscript.Echo "no command line mode set: enable gui mode"
blnGuiMode = True
blnEnableDrivers = True
blnInstallDrivers = True
'enable logging
If strLogFile = "" Then strLogFile = g_objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\fix_7hdc-" & g_objFSO.GetTempName & ".log"
End If'***** Open Log File
If strLogFile <> "" Then
Set refLogFile = g_objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, CONST_FOR_WRITING, True)
If Err.Number Then
Wscript.Echo "Error 0X" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & " occurred when opening the log file."
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Wscript.Echo "Error description: " & Err.Description & "."
End If
End IfAppendLog(strOptionsMessage)
End IfPrint(Now)
Print("Computer System:")
Set colComputerSystem = g_objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem",,48)
For Each objComputerSystem in colComputerSystem
Print("Manufacturer: " & objComputerSystem.Manufacturer)
Print("Model: " & objComputerSystem.Model)
Print("")'search target disk drive, use first match
If strTargetDrive = "" And strSearchFile <> "" Then
For Each objDrive in g_objFSO.Drives
If objDrive.IsReady And strTargetDrive = "" Then
If g_objFSO.FileExists(objDrive & strSearchFile) Then
strTargetDrive = objDrive
Print("found windows drive: " & strTargetDrive)
End If
End If
End If'debug
If strLogFile <> "" Then
AppendLog("strTargetDrive: " & strTargetDrive)
AppendLog("strSearchFile: " & strSearchFile)
AppendLog("blnEnableDrivers: " & blnEnableDrivers)
AppendLog("blnInstallDrivers: " & blnInstallDrivers)
AppendLog("blnRestore " & blnRestore)
End IfIf blnEnableDrivers Then
If strTargetDrive = "" Then
Set objFolder = g_objShellApp.BrowseForFolder(0, "Mode: Enable drivers." & vbCr & vbCr & "Select a Win 7 drive:", 1, &H11)
If not objFolder Is Nothing Then
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
strTargetDrive = objFolderItem.Path
Print("strTargetDrive: " & strTargetDrive)
End If
End IfIf g_objFSO.FolderExists(strTargetDrive & "\windows\system32\config") Then
Wscript.Echo "Error: " & strTargetDrive & "\windows\system32\config not found"
If blnGuiMode Then g_objWshShell.Run "notepad.exe " & chr(34) & strLogFile & chr(34), 1, False
End If
End IfIf blnInstallDrivers Then
'Print ("Install mode")
If strTargetDrive = "" Then
Set objFolder = g_objShellApp.BrowseForFolder(0, "Mode: Install drivers." & vbCr & vbCr & "Select a Win 7 drive:", 1, &H11)
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
Wscript.Echo "no drive selected"
If blnGuiMode Then g_objWshShell.Run "notepad.exe " & chr(34) & strLogFile & chr(34), 1, False
End If
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
strTargetDrive = objFolderItem.Path
Print("strTargetDrive: " & strTargetDrive)
End IfIf not g_objFSO.FolderExists(strTargetDrive & "\windows\system32\config") Then
Wscript.Echo "Error: " & strTargetDrive & "\windows\system32\config not found"
If blnGuiMode Then g_objWshShell.Run "notepad.exe " & chr(34) & strLogFile & chr(34), 1, False
End IfIf not g_objFSO.FolderExists(strPNPFolder) Or blnGuiMode Then
Set objFolder = g_objShellApp.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select a driver folder:", 1, &H11)
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
Wscript.Echo "no drive selected"
If blnGuiMode Then g_objWshShell.Run "notepad.exe " & chr(34) & strLogFile & chr(34), 1, False
End If
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
strPNPFolder = objFolderItem.Path
Print("strPNPFolder: " & strPNPFolder)
End IfIf not g_objFSO.FolderExists(strPNPFolder) Then
WScript.Echo "The PNP folder path '" & strPNPFolder & "' does not exist." & vbCr & _
"Please check the input and try again."
End IfInstallDrivers
End IfIf blnRestore Then
'todo 2525
End IfIf strLogFile <> "" Then refLogFile.Close()
If blnGuiMode Then g_objWshShell.Run "notepad.exe " & chr(34) & strLogFile & chr(34), 1, False'********************************************************************
'* Function intChkProgram()
'* Purpose: Determines which program is used to run this script.
'* Input: None
'* Returns: intChkProgram is set to one of CONST_ERROR, CONST_WSCRIPT,
Private Function intChkProgram()ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim i Dim j Dim strFullName Dim strCommand 'strFullName should be something like C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\CSCRIPT.EXE strFullName = WScript.FullName If Err.Number Then Wscript.Echo "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & " occurred." If Err.Description <> "" Then Wscript.Echo "Error description: " & Err.Description & "." End If intChkProgram = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If i = InStr(1, strFullName, ".exe", 1) If i = 0 Then intChkProgram = CONST_ERROR Exit Function Else j = InStrRev(strFullName, "\", i, 1) If j = 0 Then intChkProgram = CONST_ERROR Exit Function Else strCommand = Mid(strFullName, j+1, i-j-1) Select Case LCase(strCommand) Case "cscript" intChkProgram = CONST_CSCRIPT Case "wscript" intChkProgram = CONST_WSCRIPT Case Else 'should never happen Wscript.Echo "An unexpected program is used to run this script." Wscript.Echo "Only CScript.Exe or WScript.Exe can be used to run this script." intChkProgram = CONST_ERROR End Select End If End If
End Function
'* Function intParseCmdLine()
'* Purpose: Parses the command line.
'* Input: arrArguments an array containing input from the command line
'* Output: strPNPFolder Path to Plug & Play top folder
'* strLogFile Output file
'* strClassFilter Device Class used to filter output
'* strProviderFilter Device Provider used to filter output
'* blnExcludeClass Exclude filtered Class items from output
'* blnExcludeProvider Exclude filtered Provider items from output
'* blnQuiet Specifies whether to suppress messages
'* strOptionsMessage String containing options selected
'* Returns: intParseCmdLine is set to one of CONST_ERROR, CONST_SHOW_USAGE,
Private Function intParseCmdLine(arrArguments, strPNPFolder, strTargetDrive, strSearchFile, strLogFile, strClassFilter, strProviderFilter, blnExcludeClass, blnExcludeProvider, blnQuiet, blnEnableDrivers, blnInstallDrivers, blnRestore, strOptionsMessage)ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim i Dim strFlag Dim strSwitchValue strFlag = arrArguments(0) Err.Clear() 'Help is needed If (strFlag = "") OR (strFlag="help") OR (strFlag="/h") OR (strFlag="\h") OR (strFlag="-h") _ OR (strFlag = "\?") OR (strFlag = "/?") OR (strFlag = "?") OR (strFlag="h") Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Exit Function End If strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Fix_7hdc.vbs" & VbCrLf strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "" & VbCrLf strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Command Line Options:" & vbCrLf strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "---------------------------------------" & VbCrLf For i = 0 to UBound(arrArguments) strFlag = Left(arrArguments(i), InStr(1, arrArguments(i), ":")-1) If Err.Number Then 'An error occurs if there is no : in the string Err.Clear If LCase(arrArguments(i)) = "/q" Then blnQuiet = True strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Supress Console Log Output: " & blnQuiet & VbCrLf Elseif LCase(arrArguments(i)) = "/search" Then strSearchFile = "\windows\system32\winload.exe" strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Search folder: " & strSearchFile & VbCrLf Elseif LCase(arrArguments(i)) = "/enable" Then blnEnableDrivers = True strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Enable, disalbed drivers." & VbCrLf Elseif LCase(arrArguments(i)) = "/install" Then blnInstallDrivers = True strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Install Plug & Play drivers." & VbCrLf Elseif LCase(arrArguments(i)) = "/restore" Then blnRestore = True strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "restore mode" & VbCrLf Elseif LCase(arrArguments(i)) = "/excludeclass" Then blnExcludeClass = True strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Output file excludes specified filtered Class: " & blnExcludeClass & VbCrLf Elseif LCase(arrArguments(i)) = "/excludeprovider" Then blnInstallDrivers = True strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Output file excludes specified filtered Provider: " & blnExcludeProvider & VbCrLf Else Wscript.Echo arrArguments(i) & " is not recognized as a valid input.." intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If Else strSwitchValue = Right(arrArguments(i), Len(arrArguments(i))-(Len(strFlag)+1)) Select Case LCase(strFlag) Case "/install" strPNPFolder = strSwitchValue blnInstallDrivers = True strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Plug & Play drivers top folder: " & strPNPFolder & VbCrLf Case "/target" strTargetDrive = strSwitchValue strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Target drive: " & strTargetDrive & VbCrLf Case "/search" strSearchFile = strSwitchValue strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Search folder: " & strSearchFile & VbCrLf Case "/log" strLogFile = strSwitchValue strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Output log file name: " & strLogFile & vbCrLf Case "/class" strClassFilter = strSwitchValue strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Device Class filter: " & strClassFilter & vbCrLf Case "/provider" strProviderFilter = strSwitchValue strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & "Device Provider filter: " & strProviderFilter & VbCrLf Case else Wscript.Echo "Invalid flag " & strFlag & "." Wscript.Echo "Please check the input and try again." intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End Select End If Next strOptionsMessage = strOptionsMessage & vbCrLf intParseCmdLine = CONST_PROCEED
End Function
'* Sub MassStorageHardwareIdsDict()
'* Purpose: Output the properties of an item from the Win32_PnPEntity
'* collection as well as associated Enum and Service Registry
'* information.
'* Input: objItem Item from the Win32_PnPEntity collection
'* objPnpIdDict PNP ID dictionary (ByRef)
'* blnAllHardwareID return all HardwareID (testing only, don't use)
'* Dependencies: objRegistry WMI StdRegProv object
Sub MassStorageHardwareIdsDict(objItem, ByRef objPnpIdDict, blnAllHardwareID)Dim arrHardwareID
Dim arrCompatibleIDs
Dim i
Dim lRC
Dim blnMassStorageID
Dim blnGenericID'select mass storage controllers
blnMassStorageID = blnAllHardwareID
objPnpIdDict.RemoveAll'Print("MassStorageHardwareIdsDict: " & strEnumKey & " "& objItem.PNPDeviceID)
lRC = g_objRegistry.GetMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "HardwareID", arrHardwareID)
If IsArray(arrHardwareID) Then
For i = LBound(arrHardwareID) To UBound(arrHardwareID)
If arrHardwareID(i) <> "" Then objPnpIdDict.Add arrHardwareID(i), arrHardwareID(i)
'special case nvrd32.inf
If UCASE(Left(arrHardwareID(i), 11)) = "SCSI\NVIDIA" Then blnMassStorageID = True
If UCASE(Left(arrHardwareID(i), 11)) = "*NVRAIDBUS" Then blnMassStorageID = True
If UCASE(Left(arrHardwareID(i), 7)) = "*NVRAID" Then blnMassStorageID = True
End If
lRC = g_objRegistry.GetMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "CompatibleIDs", arrCompatibleIDs)
If IsArray(arrCompatibleIDs) Then
For i = LBound(arrCompatibleIDs) To UBound(arrCompatibleIDs)
blnGenericID = False
If UCASE(Left(arrCompatibleIDs(i),8)) = "PCI\VEN" Then IF Mid(arrCompatibleIDs(i),13,5) <> "&DEV_" Then blnGenericID = True
'If UCASE(Left(arrCompatibleIDs(i),7)) = "PCI\CC_" Then blnGenericID = TrueIf not blnGenericID And arrCompatibleIDs(i) <> "" Then If not objPnpIdDict.Exists(arrCompatibleIDs(i)) Then objPnpIdDict.Add arrCompatibleIDs(i), arrCompatibleIDs(i) End If If UCASE(Left(arrCompatibleIDs(i),9)) = "PCI\CC_01" Then blnMassStorageID = True If UCASE(arrCompatibleIDs(i)) = "*PNP0600" Then blnMassStorageID = True Next
End If
If not blnMassStorageID Then objPnpIdDict.RemoveAll
End Sub'********************************************************************
'* Function AppendLog()
'* Purpose: Appends a message to the log file
'* Input: strlInput String writen to log file
'* Output: strMessage is appended to the log file.
Function AppendLog(ByRef strlInput)
refLogFile.Writeline strlInput
End Function'********************************************************************
'* Sub Print()
'* Purpose: Prints a message on screen if blnQuiet = False.
'* Prints a message to the log file if strLogFile <> "".
'* Input: strMessage the string to print
'* Output: strMessage is printed on screen if blnQuiet = False.
'* strMessage is printed to the log file if strLogFile <> "".
Sub Print(ByRef strMessage)
If Not blnQuiet Then
Wscript.Echo strMessage
End If
If strLogFile <> "" Then
End If
End Sub'********************************************************************
'* Function IsWinNT()
'* Purpose: Tests for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
'* Dependencies: g_objWshShell WshShell object
'* Returns: True on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, False otherwise
Function IsWinNT
Dim strlOS
strlOS = g_objWshShell.Environment("Process").Item("OS")
IsWinNT = CBool(strlOS = "Windows_NT")
End Function'********************************************************************
'* Sub ShowUsage()
'* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user.
'* Input: None
'* Output: Help messages are displayed on screen.
'********************************************************************Sub ShowUsage()
WScript.Echo "Adjust mass storage controller driver at offline system"
WScript.Echo "Fix for some Stop 0x0000007B Errors"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "Enable installed, but disabled mass storage drivers, e.g. msahci.sys"
WScript.Echo "Install mass storage drivers, dism.exe is used"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript Fix_7hdc.vbs [options]"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "Options:"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo " /enable enable, installed but disabled MassStorage drivers"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo " /target:<drive> target Win7 drive"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo " /install:<folder> Path to the folder that will be the top of the Plug"
WScript.Echo " & Play folder tree."
WScript.Echo " default folder " & strPNPFolder
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo " /search:<file> search flag file to find target Win7_drive"
WScript.Echo " (default: \windows\system32\winload.exe)"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo " /restore restore registry system file"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo " /log:<file> (Optional) Location of the output file"
' WScript.Echo ""
' WScript.Echo " /class:<class> (Optional) Filter the output by device Clase"
' WScript.Echo ""
' WScript.Echo " /provider:<vendor> (Optional) Filter the output by driver Provider"
' WScript.Echo ""
' Wscript.echo " /excludeclass (Optional) Filtering excludes Class filtered items"
' WScript.Echo " from output. Default filtering in inclusive"
' WScript.Echo " (only the filtered items are output)."
' WScript.Echo ""
' Wscript.echo " /excludeprovider (Optional) Filtering excludes Provider filtered items"
' WScript.Echo " from output. Default filtering in inclusive"
' WScript.Echo " (only the filtered items are output)."
WScript.Echo ""
Wscript.echo " /q (Optional) Suppresses all data output to the console."
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo " /? (Optional) Displays this help text."
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "Examples:"
WScript.Echo "Fix_7hdc.vbs /enable /search"
WScript.Echo "Fix_7hdc.vbs /enable /search:\users"
WScript.Echo "Fix_7hdc.vbs /enable /install:F:\x86 /search"
WScript.Echo "Fix_7hdc.vbs /install:D:\amd64 /target:C:"
WScript.Echo "Fix_7hdc.vbs /install /search:\label.txt"
WScript.Echo "Fix_7hdc.vbs /restore /target:C:"
End Sub'********************************************************************
'* Sub EnableDrivers()
'* Purpose: Endable disabled mass storage drivers at offline windows
'* Dependencies: g_objFSO FileSystem object
Sub EnableDrivers()
Dim blnFoundCDDB
Dim strClassKey
Dim strRegistyFile
Dim strService
Dim strDeviceDesc
Dim l_objPnpIdDict
Dim strControlSet
Dim strLoadedEnumKey
Dim strLoadedClassKey
Dim strLoadedCDDBKey
Dim strLoadedServicesKey
Dim strLoadedService
Dim strLoadedCDDBService
Dim strStartServiceSet l_objPnpIdDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
l_objPnpIdDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXTstrRegistyFile=strTargetDrive & "\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM"
Print ("Enable mode")
g_objFSO.CopyFile strRegistyFile , strRegistyFile & g_objFSO.GetTempName & ".sav", True
Print("load registy file " & strRegistyFile)
g_objWshShell.Run "reg.exe UNLOAD HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM", &H20000000, True
g_objWshShell.Run "reg.exe LOAD HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM " & strQuote & strRegistyFile & strQuote, &H20000000, TruelRC = g_objRegistry.GetDwordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "loaded_SYSTEM\Select", "Current", strControlSet)
strControlSet = "ControlSet" & Left("000",3-Len(strControlSet)) & strControlSet
strLoadedEnumKey = "loaded_SYSTEM" & strControlSet & "\Enum"
strLoadedClassKey = "loaded_SYSTEM" & strControlSet & "\Control\Class"
strLoadedCDDBKey = "loaded_SYSTEM" & strControlSet & "\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase"
strLoadedServicesKey = "loaded_SYSTEM" & strControlSet & "\Services"'Print strLoadedEnumKey
'Print strLoadedClassKey
'Print strLoadedCDDBKey
'Print strLoadedServicesKey'Print g_objWshShell.Environment("Process").Item("COMSPEC")
'objReg.SetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strKeyPath1,"Wallpaper","C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\kiosk.bmp"
'objReg.SetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strKeyPath1,"OriginalWallpaper","C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\kiosk.bmp"
'objReg.SetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strKeyPath2,"Background","26 98 4"Print("")
Print(" Enable existing Mass Storage drivers in system")
Print("========================================================")Set colItems = g_objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity", "WQL", _
wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
For Each objItem In colItems
MassStorageHardwareIdsDict objItem, l_objPnpIdDict, FalseIf l_objPnpIdDict.Count > 0 Then lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "DeviceDesc", strDeviceDesc) lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Service", strService) lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strLoadedEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Service", strLoadedService) lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Class", strClass) Print("") Print(objItem.PNPDeviceID) 'Print(strDeviceDesc & " ") 'Print(strEnumKey & " " & strService & " " & strClass) 'Print(strLoadedEnumKey & " " & strLoadedService) End If blnFoundCDDB = False For Each Key In l_objPnpIdDict.Keys 'Print(Key & " " & strLoadedCDDBKey & Replace(Key,"\","#") ) lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strLoadedCDDBKey & Replace(Key,"\","#"), "Service", strLoadedCDDBService) If not blnFoundCDDB And not IsNull(strLoadedCDDBService) Then 'Print("offline Registry CDDB: " & Key & " " & strLoadedCDDBService) lRC = g_objRegistry.GetDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strLoadedServicesKey & strLoadedCDDBService, "Start", strStartService) If Not IsNull(strStartService) Then Print("offline Registry CDDB: " & Key & " " & strLoadedCDDBService) If strStartService = 0 Then Print("Start already " & strStartService & " no change") blnFoundCDDB = True Else Print(strLoadedServicesKey & strLoadedCDDBService) Print("Start set " & strStartService & " change to 0") lRC = g_objRegistry.SetDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strLoadedServicesKey & strLoadedCDDBService,"Start",&H0) if lRC <> 0 then Print("Error: setting failed. result: " & lRC ) blnFoundCDDB = True End If End If End If If not blnFoundCDDB Then '''''''''blnFoundCDDB = True End If Next
Print("unload registy file " & strRegistyFile)
g_objWshShell.Run "reg.exe UNLOAD HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM", &H20000000, True
End Sub 'EnableDrivers()
'* Sub InstallDrivers()
'* Purpose: Install mass storage drivers at offline windows
'* Dependencies: g_objFSO FileSystem object
Sub InstallDrivers()
Dim m
Dim blnFoung_objDriverFolderDictFile
Dim strService
Dim strDismRun
Dim l_objPnpIdDict
Set l_objPnpIdDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
l_objPnpIdDict.CompareMode = DICTIONARY_COMPAREMODE_TEXTPrint("Sub: Install drivers: " & strPNPFolder)
Print(Now & " : parse inf files")
Print("==========================================")MakeInfFileList g_objFSO.GetFolder(strPNPFolder)
Print(" Mass Storage Plug and Play Devices in system")
Print("========================================================")Set colItems = g_objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity", "WQL", _
wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
For Each objItem In colItems
'strPNPDeviceID = objItem.PNPDeviceID
'lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Driver", strDriver)
'lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strClassKey & strDriver, "ProviderName", strProviderName)
'lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Class", strClass)blnFoung_objDriverFolderDictFile = False MassStorageHardwareIdsDict objItem, l_objPnpIdDict, False For Each Key In l_objPnpIdDict.Keys If dHwid.Exists(Key) Then Print (Key & Space(abs(45 - Len(Key))) & dHwid.Item(Key)) Else Print(Key) End If If not blnFoung_objDriverFolderDictFile And dHwid.Exists(Key) Then 'lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Driver", strDriver) lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Service", strService) 'lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strClassKey & strDriver, "ProviderName", strProviderName) lRC = g_objRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strEnumKey & objItem.PNPDeviceID, "Class", strClass) Print("current service: " & strService & " " & strClass) blnFoung_objDriverFolderDictFile = True g_objInfDismFileDict.Add Key, dHwid.Item(Key) End If Next
Print("Unique inf files relating Mass Storage IDs")
Print("==========================================")m = &H20000000
If blnGuiMode Then m = 1For Each Key in g_objInfDismFileDict.Keys
Print(g_objInfDismFileDict.Item(Key) & " " & Key)
'dism continues if log file writing fails
strDismRun = "dism.exe /Image:" & strTargetDrive _
& "\ /Add-Driver /Driver:" & strQuote & g_objInfDismFileDict.Item(Key) & strQuote _
& " /LogLevel:4 /LogPath:" _
& g_objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) & "\dism.offline.log"
g_objWshShell.Run strDismRun, m, True
NextIf g_objFSO.FileExists(strTargetDrive & "\windows\inf\setupapi.offline.log") Then Print("compare setup log file " & strTargetDrive & "\windows\inf\setupapi.offline.log")
End Sub
'based on ListHWID.vbs by RogueSpear
'edited by cdob
'* Sub MakeInfFileList()
'* Purpose: Recurses the subfolders of the a folder
'* to find folder containing .inf files
'* Input: objToplFolder Folder object to recurse
'* Dependencies: g_objFSO FileSystem object
'* Restrictions: list created by HardwareID
'* last read files goes in, double driver conflicts not resolved
'* todo: use ranking compare
Sub MakeInfFileList(objToplFolder)
Dim Subfolder, a, aFiles, strFile
For Each Subfolder in objToplFolder.SubFolders
Set a = g_objFSO.GetFolder(Subfolder.Path)
Set aFiles = a.Files
For Each strFile In aFiles
If LCase(Right(strFile,4)) = ".inf" Then
inf_count = inf_count + 1
g_objDriverFolderDict.Add inf_count, strFile
End If
MakeInfFileList Subfolder
End SubSub GetHWID
Dim regEx, Match, Matches, strFileName, strFile, objFile, line, strHardwareID, strCSV, z
z = 0Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
'regEx.Pattern = "[A-Z0-9]{2,}(?!PARAMS)[A-Z0-9_]{2,}[A-F0-9]{2,}(&[A-Z]{2,}[A-F0-9]{2,}(&[A-Z]{2,}[A-F0-9]{2,}(&[A-Z]{2,}[A-F0-9]{2,})?)?)?"
regEx.Pattern = ",\s*?[A-Z0-9]{2,}[A-Z0-9]{2,}[A-F0-9]{2,}(&[A-Z]{2,}[A-F0-9]{2,}(&[A-Z]{2,}[A-F0-9]{2,}(&[A-Z]{2,}_[A-F0-9]{2,})?)?)?"For each strFileName in g_objDriverFolderDict.Items
'Print("GetHWID: Set strFile " & strFileName)
'unicode .inf file
Set strFile = g_objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 1, False, -2)Do While strFile.AtEndOfStream = False line = strFile.ReadLine If Left(line, 1) <> ";" Then Set Matches = regEx.Execute(line) For Each Match In Matches 'On Error Resume Next strHardwareID = Trim(Right(Ucase(Match.Value),Len(Match.Value)-1)) If dHwid.Exists(strHardwareID) Then z = z + 1 dHwid.Item(strHardwareID) = strFileName Else dHwid.Add strHardwareID, strFileName End If Next End If Loop strFile.Close()
Print(Now & " : Found " & dHwid.Count & " HWIDs")
Print(Now & " : Found " & z & " duplicate HWIDs")
End Sub'======================================================================================
'Sort directory?
' -
Wow. So.... VBScript, that's still a thing.
@mlnews I downloaded it in a VM, scanned it with 3 different tools, opened it and scanned through it with mark1 eyeball, then cautiously tested it on a fully backed up system.