Tired of winter?
@scottalanmiller I know. I figured but was still curious. I don't ass-u-me.
@scottalanmiller wait if I entered the server/ computer room my boss will complain "why you always keep AC powerful?" I answered " our servers need to have a cold place"
This is the first winter in I can remember without snow in DΓΌsseldorf (Germany)
@bytesnake We've had at least two or possibly three ice storms in Dallas. I only remember two but others could be thinking of something I just didn't even acknowledge.
Snow here is very rare. Rain, on the other hand...
...in the summer you can set your watch by it. from June-August, it rains nearly every day some time between 3 and 6pm.
Then it's humid and buggy the rest of the evening. -
It was a little bit strange for me to hear it's snowing in Texas and we have no snow ...
@bytesnake, my point exactly.
@bytesnake, Marco, what time is it where you are right now? 11PM or just after midnight?
My GF wants me to go to bed ....
@Joyfano said:
I'm jealous its too hot in here
inside our work place
Trust me. Being really cold gets old fast.
@bytesnake said:
It was a little bit strange for me to hear it's snowing in Texas and we have no snow ...
That is certainly bizarre. And @ajstringham is in north Texas but this past week even hotter Austin and Houston had big ice storms! In march no less!
@bytesnake said:
My GF wants me to go to bed ....
My wife wants me to leave the office. Sadly my commute is 90 minutes
@scottalanmiller but its still nice if the place is cold.
Not as nice as when it is warm.
@scottalanmiller weather today is warm
@scottalanmiller I wanna go out but too many things to do