just registered to mangolassi

Best posts made by xisco
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
hi, i came here when trying to install XO community, and I thinks its a very interesting forum.
I moved from esxi to xenserver, i hope will learn anlot here -
RE: Ubuntu 17.04 Moves from Swap Disk to Swap File
well, it's not a bad idea, nowadays computers have huge amounts of ram so swap is rarely used, and what is the benefit of a swap partition unless you have it in a separate drive?
RE: Autoupdates Killed My Windows Server 2008 R2
@Mike-Davis does terminal server connection works?? what about windows offline updater http://download.wsusoffline.net/
Wordpress Real Estate plugin or theme
I've been asked to do a small site with Real Estate section. I've been looking in google, but do you recommend me any?
I've been also looking for a wordpress hosting, do you recommend me a cheap one?, I think sitegorund is a good option.Thnaks
Should I move to Xenserver 7.2?
I use xenserver Free. A few days ago appeared new updates, one ( Citrix XenServer 7.1 LTSR CU1) can only go to web page to update , and I think is only for people who pays a licencse.
The other update seem to have a bug to install will try this
I've found this blog entry
https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2017/09/15/xenserver-releases-something-for-everyone/I'm not sure if I've understood it, should I download CU updates on iso form and install them from now on!?
If I move to 7.2 Free edition will get updates as usual?? Do you recommend to move??Thanks
Latest posts made by xisco
RE: New Years Resolutions v2.0
I think mine are the same all years XD, never do them
RE: Should I move to Xenserver 7.2?
@momurda said in Should I move to Xenserver 7.2?:
The CUs are for customers with support. Those are for long term support. Every three months they will be releasing new CRs which can be for everybody.
Customers without support wont get updates after a new CR is released. They must upgrade to new CR, get updates til new CR, upgrade to new CR, get updates for CR...
A bit like the Win 10 model it seems but with faster cycle of 3 months.
So soon i expect XS 7.3CR, then 7.4CR three months later, less i understand incorrectly. Perhaps different names like 7.2CR1, 7.2CR2 or similar.so in order to continue getting upgrades if using free version I should move to any new version of xenserver released??
Or I could stay with not updates....Thanks
Should I move to Xenserver 7.2?
I use xenserver Free. A few days ago appeared new updates, one ( Citrix XenServer 7.1 LTSR CU1) can only go to web page to update , and I think is only for people who pays a licencse.
The other update seem to have a bug to install will try this
I've found this blog entry
https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2017/09/15/xenserver-releases-something-for-everyone/I'm not sure if I've understood it, should I download CU updates on iso form and install them from now on!?
If I move to 7.2 Free edition will get updates as usual?? Do you recommend to move??Thanks
RE: Linux 4.11 Released
@scottalanmiller maybe is hw, or a problem with generic kernels, never tried to compile a personalizaed kernel :?
RE: Linux 4.11 Released
@scottalanmiller I've experienced it on Suse/opensuse and ubuntu in low end motherboards, not servers.
RE: Wordpress Real Estate plugin or theme
@scottalanmiller thanks, good place to start
Wordpress Real Estate plugin or theme
I've been asked to do a small site with Real Estate section. I've been looking in google, but do you recommend me any?
I've been also looking for a wordpress hosting, do you recommend me a cheap one?, I think sitegorund is a good option.Thnaks