Installation of Particular Java version at Ubuntu
So what you need to do is this: (DO THIS EXACTLY)
cd /tmp wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies - --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "" tar -xvzf jdk-7u65-linux-x64.tar.gz mv jdk1.7.0_65/ /usr/local/ cd ~ vi .profile
Now place the following lines in your .profile file.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_65 export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
Now log out and log back in. That should be it.
@thanksajdotcom said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@Lakshmana said:
@scottalanmiller The file I was downloaded was .tar.gz.Then I have extracted the file and then I have used dpkg -i command with the extracted file and there are many files are present but there is no .deb file at this file
We already discussed in the thread that this is not a DEB file and using dpkg is not an option. Why are you doing that at all?
There is an installer IN the tarball that you just unpacked. Just run it!
Actually there isn't. Just FYI.
You are correct, it's just a tarball. That's SO easy.
Please tell me you know how to use vi...If not, after you type:
vi .profile
Hit the "I" key (that's the letter i ) and then paste those two lines shown. Then hit Esc, followed by :wq and hit Enter.
@Lakshmana said:
@thanksajdotcom Sorry I have replied for Scott,AJ.Now I have used the wget command given by coliver and the download of the file has done and then I extracted the file and tried to install by dpkg -i jdk 1.7.0._65 file but it showed me the error to login as sudo user.But I have also done at root but also same error with permission denied is shown.I came to home now I will give you the screenshort of the error after going to office
Just checked. I downloaded and unpacked myself. What do you want now? You've already installed it. There is nothing more to do. You have your Java already.
@thanksajdotcom said
Thank You AJ.I utry it in my office and say you the result of this as soon as possible after going to office -
@Lakshmana said:
@thanksajdotcom Sorry I have replied for Scott,AJ.Now I have used the wget command given by coliver and the download of the file has done and then I extracted the file and tried to install by dpkg -i jdk 1.7.0._65 file but it showed me the error to login as sudo user.
But WHY are you running dpkg? We keep telling you that you can't do that. This is not a Debian package. The installation is already done. You can stop now.
@scottalanmiller said:
@Lakshmana said:
@thanksajdotcom Sorry I have replied for Scott,AJ.Now I have used the wget command given by coliver and the download of the file has done and then I extracted the file and tried to install by dpkg -i jdk 1.7.0._65 file but it showed me the error to login as sudo user.But I have also done at root but also same error with permission denied is shown.I came to home now I will give you the screenshort of the error after going to office
Just checked. I downloaded and unpacked myself. What do you want now? You've already installed it. There is nothing more to do. You have your Java already.
I have posted instructions. Please reference this:
@thanksajdotcom said:
I have posted instructions. Please reference this:
None needed, he has already installed it. He just doesn't believe it or something.
@scottalanmiller said:
@Lakshmana said:
@thanksajdotcom Sorry I have replied for Scott,AJ.Now I have used the wget command given by coliver and the download of the file has done and then I extracted the file and tried to install by dpkg -i jdk 1.7.0._65 file but it showed me the error to login as sudo user.
But WHY are you running dpkg? We keep telling you that you can't do that. This is not a Debian package. The installation is already done. You can stop now.
Because he doesn't listen. I've posted EXACT VERBOSE instructions. If he copy/pastes those exactly, he cannot screw up...
@thanksajdotcom Thank you AJ for your help
@Lakshmana said:
@thanksajdotcom Thank you AJ for your help
Did you test your Java? It's fully installed already.
@scottalanmiller I came to my room Scott.Its around 11:30 PM at India.So I will attend my office at 11:00 AM on at that time I will check say the result of the process
@thanksajdotcom I done the commands you provided but there is a screenshot often came while export option to be placed in vi .profile.Please verify the screenshot .
That's just because your profile was already being edited. Just follow the on screen instructions to continue.
@thanksajdotcom said:
mv jdk1.7.0_65/ /usr/local/
I have tried the above one this error comes.Why?
support@support:/tmp$ mv jdk1.7.0_65/ /usr/local/
mv: cannot move âjdk1.7.0_65/â to â/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_65â: Permission denied -
@Lakshmana Now I have done AJ said completely by sudo user
All is working now?
@scottalanmiller All is working fine now
@scottalanmiller Thanks.I can do some things by this ML Knowledge sharing people only.